Sunday, July 31, 2016

Quiet the mind

Have you ever noticed how busy your mind

is each day and that you barely get a few moments to just stop, be still and listen?

There is so much technology that stimulates us, computers, phones we are tied to, games etc.
This constant influx of information all day long taxes our body and mind.

It's time my friends to stop. To listen. To reconnect with nature and yourself!

It's no wonder people are confused? Look at all the chaos in our world!! People don't even know who to vote for this election or are voting based on emotions.

Finding the centered balanced requires attention to your needs. Your spirit is speaking to you each day, but are you listening?

Yes, even I get rapped up in craziness at times but I'm fortunate to have created a life where I schedule my time the way I choose. I have 'quiet' mornings, which are crucial for me.

I decided to help others and offer a 2 part training starting August 24th.
Re-MEMBERING your spirit. I love sharing this wisdom with others so they/you can live more peacefully and follow your purpose.

Anyone is invited and if you register today July 31st, 2016, you can view my other trainings and get Buy 1, Get 1 Free. Limited offer expires soon. Go to my website. Register.
Contact me to pay as paypal is not working right now.

I look forward to assisting you to re-member your spirit.
Have a blessed and beautiful day my friends,

Gloria Coppola

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's been a long time

Hello my tribe

I've been gone for a bit, no apologies, just making some changes in life and dealing with the challenges that come along with those decisions.

I've decided it's time to come back! Yeah me on all levels.

For those that don't know, I've dealt with depression most of my life to varying degrees.
I have chosen no medications because that is my preference.  As an empathic person I often can get overwhelmed with things happening in life and on this planet.......

Times are ever changing and so am I!

So, i'm taking a stand today to be the best possible version of me. I don't ask you to like me while I change, you probably won't. In my experience when change takes place, others get uncomfortable and sometimes mad. Some will blame me for things and accuse me of things they see as 'their' truth. While this can be hurtful and even sad, stay strong, I say! Listen to your heart and soul. Their fear does not have to be yours!

It's always been important for me to find balance in quiet spaces. Without these alone times I can have anxiety. If I spend too much time alone, I can get depressed.  Such is my life.

My spiritual connection keeps me rooted in love and the grace of our creator. I am grateful each day for life and all the blessings bestowed upon me. While I may desire other things, I am reminded daily I have more than I need .

So welcome back to the world! I've chosen to live my purpose. To help others find theirs and to be real about who I am.

I am a gifted child of God who has been hiding for too long. I've been told by others who I am, who I should be and what I am not.  No one has that power over me, nor do I agree to it or give it to them.
I've walked gently upon this earth to be in harmony with all creatures and that is my journey.

I am enough!

I invite you today to be you, to speak your truth, to open your heart to more compassion and to live your 'soul' purpose. A purpose that was meant to honor the gifts to help this planet and others. A gift only given to you by our creator. Not a job, not a career.....a purpose!

My purpose is to be bring things in right order... to be kinder, to find truth and be truthful, to live compassionately so all things are in right order. Through all things in balance I am the truth and light of God.

Blessings to you on this glorious day,

Sunday, April 20, 2014

I am Resurrected!

I am rejoicing today as I reflect upon my journey. A few months ago I was attending a class at Unity Church and I vowed I will resurrect.

On this auspicious day of celebration of the vibrational shift of Jesus to higher realms, I realize I too, have resurrected.

I am blessed for my perseverance and commitment to heal and grow in this lifetime. No matter how challenging the events and situations are, I have found a way to push the stone away and lift myself up!

I suffered with depression and anxiety for more than 15 years. Very few in my life knew this as I have done what I can to 'pretend' all is well. When the depression began to get worse last year some people saw me as negative when I didn't respond the way they expected me too. Others were concerned and still others chose not to acknowledge that even I can experience the depths of depression despite my tenacity to look at the positive in all situations.

They say some will come and go in your life. This is true! Those that 'truly' love me have remained and cheered me on to evolve and be more whole today. Others have stopped talking to me and still others have judged me for they no not my path.  Sure it's sad when they don't understand. It's all good and as it should be.

Today, I affirm that I have chosen to live to my fullest and embrace life once again. To reach more hearts and souls that cross my path.  I am truly blessed for all my experiences for they teach me how to embrace you and be a more compassionate being. I am truly astounded and in immense gratitude to have listened to the signs and opened to the opportunities before me, taking risks and not knowing where the unknown would lead me.

I will be 60 next year! I feel 30! I have pushed myself to limits, that a year ago I only imagined. I had visions of my life and where it would lead me. I wasn't sure at the time how to get there. I stayed alone many days and nights praying. I opened to all the signs that God was presenting and moved through the fear of failure, judgment and success.

Today, my life is renewed.  I have become healthier in my body, mind and spirit. I have expanded my consciousness to think way outside the box - yes, even more than I already did! I have given myself permission to deserve and open to prosperity and abundance of health, wealth and love.

My wish for you is to resurrect your life to new heights. Live in the vibration of joy and be all that you can be! There are limitless possibilities when you allow yourself to get out of your cage of slavery. Never allow others to stop you or rain on  your parade. Believe in yourself!

Remember never judge another for you never know where you might be someday in your own life. Open your heart to compassion even when things appear in your perception as something you don't like or understand.

My depression and anxiety are gone. I've rid my body of aches and pains and 30 lbs. I have more energy and vibrance than I have experienced in many years. I AM ALIVE!

Gloria Coppola, educator, author and lifestyle health coach.
I have been in the healing arts for over 30 years and on my spiritual journey my lifetime. I am excited to support you on yours so you too can live your fullest.
Health coaching sessions , healing retreats and trainings available.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Love is God

First, apologies for not writing for a while. I was in Kauai teaching and then my computer crashed. Hope all is well in your world.

"There is only one presence and one power in the Universe"
 ~ Love ~

These times bring challenges for many and although we can assume we know what each day presents for another, we never know truly what is going on. The only thing we have to offer is Love.

Love not in the romantic sense. Human love has attachments and conditions. The more we think we love someone, the more we know them, the more we see their humanness, the more pressures put on the relationships, the more we may judge, criticize or run.

Divine Love is perfect. It is there in and around us all the time if we open to feeling and receiving. It does not come from another person. Divine Love is God and it is perfect. It will watch over us during our darkest nights and rejoice with us in each breath.

Unity's Statement of Being
There is only one presence and one power in the Universe and in my life,
God, who is perfect life, perfect intelligence, perfect love and perfect substance.
I am an individualized expression of God.
Happy Thanksgiving to all
I am grate FULL for all the love that is in my life. All the love I can aspire to be. All the love you send. All the love that is me. I am open to receiving and being more Love!
~ Gloria ~


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Own your Glory!

Take ownership!

We have all been born with inherent gifts to share in our lives.  We may know what they are and choose not to use them. We may not be aware of them and search for them in our life. We might actually take ownership at a very early age only to shut them down and if you are one of the lucky ones you took the easier path to own them, use them and share them right from the beginning of your life!

Can you feel it?

Do you know or feel what your gifts are? Do you know how amazing you are? Do you honor it and share it?

You are Great!

You are a vessel of all the goodness and of love of creation.
You are a channel of this positive energy.
You can let it flow anytime, anywhere if you choose!

What do you put out into the world?
Do you demonstrate your awesomeness to the world?

I invite you to look in the mirror each morning and see your greatness!
See the Glory within you and allow it to emanate!

We can make it hard, we can make it easy and We Can Make It!
Own your Glory today!

You were not created to be small. You were created to manifest the miracles of creation in all it's goodness, grace and glory and light! Your soul is rooting for YOU!

Gloria Coppola, LMT, educator, author, inspirational workshop leader, continuing education provider and proud grandmother loves to share her passion. Her healing journey has demonstrated YOU CAN DO IT if you choose to listen. Her spiritual path continues to unfold to support, encourage and inspire while she continues to own her own Glory and Light.


Sunday, September 29, 2013


We all have intuition!

What is intuition?
Merriman -Webster describes it as follows:

A natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence
A feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why
Something that is known or understood without proof or evidence

Do you trust your intuition?

I invite you to pay attention to the coincidences in your life
The feelings that don't seem to make sense
The gut feeling, a reaction to certain things that people tell you
A message that comes from 'somewhere' without doubting it is for you to hear
The billboard sign that speaks to you
The song that is playing that comes with a message 
A dream that feels real
A stranger that has a message for you out of nowhere
Notice the 'similarities' appearing in your life

When I teach, I encourage my students to listen with their hands and their heart. I no longer provide a strict 'protocol' for them to follow. I have learned that drilling a step by step way of doing things does not allow one to honor their feelings.  I notice they have a hesitation to intuit and be guided to the place(s) we need to go whether it be on a body for massage or in our life. 

I have seen some doubt their own wisdom, waiting for approval, hoping they can remember what was told to them....not listening to their own inner guidance for fear of being wrong.

I witness the hesitation one might have,hoping for direction and guidance. They may not sure where to navigate because they may be used to being told what they should do, as a pattern in life. I honor the spaces they move through with gentle support and little nudges to "TRUST" your guidance.

I encourage to feel the movement of life, the body, the breath. To feel on new levels and pay attention. To observe. To play witness to what is happening.

Photo by Gloria Coppola

We may have lost the sense to trust ourselves and others in life

Take the opportunity today to open to trusting yourself!
Listen and observe
Navigate new spaces
Take a deep breath 
Let your higher wisdom guide you

Intuition is a gift from our creator to navigate our life
It is a tool that helps us know when and where to go
It is a knowing that cannot be explained, however it can shift us to new heights
~ When we listen~

Listening to the intuition and trusting might lead you to a new place in your life
You may open to a creative side of yourself
You may find what you have been seeking 
You will gain a new sense of freedom
Guidance will be there for you in every way 
Honor this higher wisdom
It is your birthright!

Let your intuition be your guide ~
When in doubt ~ reach out
 for the encouragement you need
To Trust!

Blessings on your journey
~ Gloria~

Gloria Coppola, LMT, author, educator, inspirational leader and grandmother uses her abilities to teach, to help and to guide others on their path. Both Ends of the Rainbow, a healing journey, is a story of how she has followed her guidance and where it has
 led her today.
 The gifts she has received, including the divinely inspired Aloha Message Cards have provided yet another tool for others to learn where their challenge or blockage in life is....and guide them to trusting their soul purpose.

Friday, September 20, 2013

May I Grace


I wake each morning with Gratitude as I look at the soft white clouds that GRACE 
the vibrant blue skies.

I give thanks for each breath I take as I walk with my dog in GRACE each morning. I am alive!

Today, I observe the GRACE of the Sand Crane. Side by side they beautifully stroll along the grass.
Proud they stand, deliberately they step .... they walk in Grace.

Sand Crane ~ Photo by Steve Garbie

The sounds  from people rushing to work, do not disturb their peace.

The birds are chirping in the skies 
Watching us ~ choosing how we live each day
Each day is a blessed gift

A sweet squirrel stops~ his tail wiggles
My dog stops ~ his tail wiggles
Slowly ~ they walk to meet each others eyes
Communicating ~ quietly

Swiftly the squirrel runs away, turning back to look
Wanting to play ~ curious

I observe ~
I notice a man walk by with his head down
A woman stops to pet my dog, complaining about her teenage daughter and ex husband
Cars rush by to go to work

I observe~ I walk in Grace
I wake in Joy
I smell the flowers 
I notice the little white flowers peeping out of the bushes, saying good morning

I am grateful for all that I see 
I am grateful for all that I am
I have a heart full of gratitude

Poster by Carrie Thompson

May I walk in grace and beauty, proudly and softly respecting all that exists

How will you walk in GRACE Today?

~ Gloria ~

Photo from Audrey's blog Helpful Hope