Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's been a long time

Hello my tribe

I've been gone for a bit, no apologies, just making some changes in life and dealing with the challenges that come along with those decisions.

I've decided it's time to come back! Yeah me on all levels.

For those that don't know, I've dealt with depression most of my life to varying degrees.
I have chosen no medications because that is my preference.  As an empathic person I often can get overwhelmed with things happening in life and on this planet.......

Times are ever changing and so am I!

So, i'm taking a stand today to be the best possible version of me. I don't ask you to like me while I change, you probably won't. In my experience when change takes place, others get uncomfortable and sometimes mad. Some will blame me for things and accuse me of things they see as 'their' truth. While this can be hurtful and even sad, stay strong, I say! Listen to your heart and soul. Their fear does not have to be yours!

It's always been important for me to find balance in quiet spaces. Without these alone times I can have anxiety. If I spend too much time alone, I can get depressed.  Such is my life.

My spiritual connection keeps me rooted in love and the grace of our creator. I am grateful each day for life and all the blessings bestowed upon me. While I may desire other things, I am reminded daily I have more than I need .

So welcome back to the world! I've chosen to live my purpose. To help others find theirs and to be real about who I am.

I am a gifted child of God who has been hiding for too long. I've been told by others who I am, who I should be and what I am not.  No one has that power over me, nor do I agree to it or give it to them.
I've walked gently upon this earth to be in harmony with all creatures and that is my journey.

I am enough!

I invite you today to be you, to speak your truth, to open your heart to more compassion and to live your 'soul' purpose. A purpose that was meant to honor the gifts to help this planet and others. A gift only given to you by our creator. Not a job, not a career.....a purpose!

My purpose is to be bring things in right order... to be kinder, to find truth and be truthful, to live compassionately so all things are in right order. Through all things in balance I am the truth and light of God.

Blessings to you on this glorious day,


  1. Good for you! I miss you my friend. Let's do what we told each other we would do....visit!! If I can do anything for you along your journey, please let me know.

  2. Good for you! I miss you my friend. Let's do what we told each other we would do....visit!! If I can do anything for you along your journey, please let me know.
