Gently I enter this wakening stage each morning, opening my eyes and giving thanks. I am appreciative of all that I am and all that life has given to me today. I am grateful to have another chance to live my soul's purpose.
I look into the sky and give thanks for another beautiful day. I breathe in the air and appreciate that it keeps me alive. I sense the smells of the flowers along the manicured lawns and feel blessed to see these vivid and beautiful displays of God's artwork.
There are so many things in life that we can complain about especially when we feel like we have less than we need or want. There are many moments our thoughts can slip into the abyss of sorrow, anger or depression when we miss all that this garden here on earth is providing us for our growth and sustainability.
I reach out to life, and life reaches out to me!
Yesterday, I heard a child say "Why should I pray for the bad people in Syria that are killing people?" She had tears in her eyes questioning why people can be so mean and hurtful. Several other children in the group shouted out phrases that were surely heard from the adults in their life, angrily saying "this has nothing to do with us".
My heart went sad for a while feeling their frustration and listening to beliefs that are being passed onto them that send a message "I am not responsible".
When I reflect upon the attitudes that one may have in their own life, living their own internal war and expressing their own hatred towards another person or country; I am reminded of a conversation with a priest when I was 12.
I, too, questioned why do people do bad things? I was guided through a conversation that was to change my life in this short hour of divine intervention. In summary, I was told "We do not know and see all the reasons for every action on this earthly plane. We do not know the reason it has come into our life and how we will react or see the blessings". I thought "how can there be blessings in the bad things people do"? This priest put me on a journey in life to learn and study philosophies and religions. As a result my life has seen and experienced the wealthy and the very poor. I have watched how people can take someone's life and literally destroy it by words and rumors they spread that have put someone behind bars in prison or pushed them to the brink of suicide. So, how do you feel grateful for this? How can one see the blessings in this cruelty?
Later in life I was to have a client who came for tempor-mandibular joint issues and was literally in my hands for her care. Little did I know at the time, she was being 'accused' of murdering her child. When I was informed by a co-worker that I was working on a murderess for a 'moment' there were mixed emotions. Quickly I took a breath and asked "Who made you judge"? I opted to see this woman and continue to care for her. Eventually, she told me her story. There is no doubt in any cell of my body that she did not intentionally murder her child.
Seven months later she was convicted based on 'circumstantial evidence' of what someone heard over a fence. She came for her final session with me before going off to prison. A miracle was about to take place in my massage room. She thanked me. She thanked me for creating safety, providing loving touch, extending an ear and heart. She thanked me for the books in my waiting room about angels and gave gratitude for so many little things. Then, I thanked her. I will never forget her face and words "Why would you thank me"? "Because you taught me about unconditional love". She replied "You mean something good came of this for both of us"? In this moment, I was taken back to the conversation when I was 12. This woman expressed to me she will be able to go to prison in peace and teach other women what she had learned. Ahhh, yes we never know why anyone or anything comes in our lives. We only know we have the 'choice' to how we respond. This is our responsibility.
Well, it's not always easy is it? We speak of the term "unconditional love", yet do we truly understand the fullest spectrum of what is being asked of us? Can we live it in every situation without judging and giving gratitude for the kindness our hearts can extend to another who is less fortunate in any way?
Look in the mirror!
Giving Gratitude is not just for the simple pleasures of life, the presents we receive on our birthdays, the good health we have or the money in our bank accounts.
I am appreciative and thankful for every experience I have had in my life. I am grateful that I can see and shift through the periods that do not serve me or this world. For if every thought has the power to project a consciousness to this entire planet and universe then we are responsible as a whole. If we live in pure thoughts without anger and hatred towards others, without greed and fear, we as a whole can create an entire sphere of Living and Giving Gratitude.
The darkest hours, the longest days, the pits we can fall into when life deals us a challenging hand, are some of the hardest moments we might be asked to give gratitude. I personally have experienced my hard knocks in life, done things I wish I had not, been hurt by others, hurt others and lived with physical pain and depression. I have heard others say their toughest challenge was the most rewarding experience of their life and they give gratitude. I agree.
How will you live in gratitude today?
"I work with others in harmony and cooperation"
"My internal environment is Divine Love"
"The gentle presence of Spirit guides and directs me"
"Centered in Spirit, I live in harmony and balance with all creation"
Feel free to use some of these affirmations (borrowed from the Daily Word)
or create your own to keep you focused on
living in peace and gratitude.
Giving gratitude is in every breath when we choose this conscious thought!
Living Gratitude is a way of life that will allow us to see the divine in all people, things and person at a time.
Being Gratitude can create a world, a universe for the future children to live in peace.
What blocks you from the creation and manifestation of living gratitude in your life?
How can you move through the challenges that prevent you from living your fullest potential?