Sunday, November 24, 2013

Love is God

First, apologies for not writing for a while. I was in Kauai teaching and then my computer crashed. Hope all is well in your world.

"There is only one presence and one power in the Universe"
 ~ Love ~

These times bring challenges for many and although we can assume we know what each day presents for another, we never know truly what is going on. The only thing we have to offer is Love.

Love not in the romantic sense. Human love has attachments and conditions. The more we think we love someone, the more we know them, the more we see their humanness, the more pressures put on the relationships, the more we may judge, criticize or run.

Divine Love is perfect. It is there in and around us all the time if we open to feeling and receiving. It does not come from another person. Divine Love is God and it is perfect. It will watch over us during our darkest nights and rejoice with us in each breath.

Unity's Statement of Being
There is only one presence and one power in the Universe and in my life,
God, who is perfect life, perfect intelligence, perfect love and perfect substance.
I am an individualized expression of God.
Happy Thanksgiving to all
I am grate FULL for all the love that is in my life. All the love I can aspire to be. All the love you send. All the love that is me. I am open to receiving and being more Love!
~ Gloria ~


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Own your Glory!

Take ownership!

We have all been born with inherent gifts to share in our lives.  We may know what they are and choose not to use them. We may not be aware of them and search for them in our life. We might actually take ownership at a very early age only to shut them down and if you are one of the lucky ones you took the easier path to own them, use them and share them right from the beginning of your life!

Can you feel it?

Do you know or feel what your gifts are? Do you know how amazing you are? Do you honor it and share it?

You are Great!

You are a vessel of all the goodness and of love of creation.
You are a channel of this positive energy.
You can let it flow anytime, anywhere if you choose!

What do you put out into the world?
Do you demonstrate your awesomeness to the world?

I invite you to look in the mirror each morning and see your greatness!
See the Glory within you and allow it to emanate!

We can make it hard, we can make it easy and We Can Make It!
Own your Glory today!

You were not created to be small. You were created to manifest the miracles of creation in all it's goodness, grace and glory and light! Your soul is rooting for YOU!

Gloria Coppola, LMT, educator, author, inspirational workshop leader, continuing education provider and proud grandmother loves to share her passion. Her healing journey has demonstrated YOU CAN DO IT if you choose to listen. Her spiritual path continues to unfold to support, encourage and inspire while she continues to own her own Glory and Light.


Sunday, September 29, 2013


We all have intuition!

What is intuition?
Merriman -Webster describes it as follows:

A natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence
A feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why
Something that is known or understood without proof or evidence

Do you trust your intuition?

I invite you to pay attention to the coincidences in your life
The feelings that don't seem to make sense
The gut feeling, a reaction to certain things that people tell you
A message that comes from 'somewhere' without doubting it is for you to hear
The billboard sign that speaks to you
The song that is playing that comes with a message 
A dream that feels real
A stranger that has a message for you out of nowhere
Notice the 'similarities' appearing in your life

When I teach, I encourage my students to listen with their hands and their heart. I no longer provide a strict 'protocol' for them to follow. I have learned that drilling a step by step way of doing things does not allow one to honor their feelings.  I notice they have a hesitation to intuit and be guided to the place(s) we need to go whether it be on a body for massage or in our life. 

I have seen some doubt their own wisdom, waiting for approval, hoping they can remember what was told to them....not listening to their own inner guidance for fear of being wrong.

I witness the hesitation one might have,hoping for direction and guidance. They may not sure where to navigate because they may be used to being told what they should do, as a pattern in life. I honor the spaces they move through with gentle support and little nudges to "TRUST" your guidance.

I encourage to feel the movement of life, the body, the breath. To feel on new levels and pay attention. To observe. To play witness to what is happening.

Photo by Gloria Coppola

We may have lost the sense to trust ourselves and others in life

Take the opportunity today to open to trusting yourself!
Listen and observe
Navigate new spaces
Take a deep breath 
Let your higher wisdom guide you

Intuition is a gift from our creator to navigate our life
It is a tool that helps us know when and where to go
It is a knowing that cannot be explained, however it can shift us to new heights
~ When we listen~

Listening to the intuition and trusting might lead you to a new place in your life
You may open to a creative side of yourself
You may find what you have been seeking 
You will gain a new sense of freedom
Guidance will be there for you in every way 
Honor this higher wisdom
It is your birthright!

Let your intuition be your guide ~
When in doubt ~ reach out
 for the encouragement you need
To Trust!

Blessings on your journey
~ Gloria~

Gloria Coppola, LMT, author, educator, inspirational leader and grandmother uses her abilities to teach, to help and to guide others on their path. Both Ends of the Rainbow, a healing journey, is a story of how she has followed her guidance and where it has
 led her today.
 The gifts she has received, including the divinely inspired Aloha Message Cards have provided yet another tool for others to learn where their challenge or blockage in life is....and guide them to trusting their soul purpose.

Friday, September 20, 2013

May I Grace


I wake each morning with Gratitude as I look at the soft white clouds that GRACE 
the vibrant blue skies.

I give thanks for each breath I take as I walk with my dog in GRACE each morning. I am alive!

Today, I observe the GRACE of the Sand Crane. Side by side they beautifully stroll along the grass.
Proud they stand, deliberately they step .... they walk in Grace.

Sand Crane ~ Photo by Steve Garbie

The sounds  from people rushing to work, do not disturb their peace.

The birds are chirping in the skies 
Watching us ~ choosing how we live each day
Each day is a blessed gift

A sweet squirrel stops~ his tail wiggles
My dog stops ~ his tail wiggles
Slowly ~ they walk to meet each others eyes
Communicating ~ quietly

Swiftly the squirrel runs away, turning back to look
Wanting to play ~ curious

I observe ~
I notice a man walk by with his head down
A woman stops to pet my dog, complaining about her teenage daughter and ex husband
Cars rush by to go to work

I observe~ I walk in Grace
I wake in Joy
I smell the flowers 
I notice the little white flowers peeping out of the bushes, saying good morning

I am grateful for all that I see 
I am grateful for all that I am
I have a heart full of gratitude

Poster by Carrie Thompson

May I walk in grace and beauty, proudly and softly respecting all that exists

How will you walk in GRACE Today?

~ Gloria ~

Photo from Audrey's blog Helpful Hope

Monday, September 16, 2013

Believing in yourself

Designed by Candy Thomen
You were created to be an inspirational beam of light and share your purpose on this planet.

You were given the gifts to tap into your resources so that you can navigate easily the journey that was meant to be yours.

You are a child of light, filled with love and kindness.

Do you believe this?

Believing in oneself can sometimes be a challenge. We might doubt what we feel, because we were told at some point we didn't matter in some way. Our thoughts or ideas may have been discounted or ignored. Confidence is lost.

I invite you to regain your confidence, your intuition, your gifts! 

Today allow yourself to fly!
Release your fears!
Step into your fullness!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Living in Gratitude

Gently I enter this wakening stage each morning, opening my eyes and giving thanks. I am appreciative of all that I am and all that life has given to me today. I am grateful to have another chance to live my soul's purpose.

I look into the sky and give thanks for another beautiful day. I breathe in the air and appreciate that it keeps me alive. I sense the smells of the flowers along the manicured lawns and feel blessed to see these vivid and beautiful displays of God's artwork.

There are so many things in life that we can complain about especially when we feel like we have less than we need or want. There are many moments our thoughts can slip into the abyss of sorrow, anger or depression when we miss all that this garden here on earth is providing us for our growth and sustainability.

I reach out to life, and life reaches out to me!

Yesterday, I heard a child say "Why should I pray for the bad people in Syria that are killing people?" She had tears in her eyes questioning why people can be so mean and hurtful. Several other children in the group shouted out phrases that were surely heard from the adults in their life, angrily saying "this has nothing to do with us".
My heart went sad for a while feeling their frustration and listening to beliefs that are being passed onto them that send a message "I am not responsible".

When I reflect upon the attitudes that one may have in their own life, living their own internal war and expressing their own hatred towards another person or country; I am reminded of a conversation with a priest when I was 12.

I, too, questioned why do people do bad things? I was guided through a conversation that was to change my life in this short hour of divine intervention. In summary, I was told "We do not know and see all the reasons for every action on this earthly plane. We do not know the reason it has come into our life and how we will react or see the blessings".  I thought "how can there be blessings in the bad things people do"? This priest put me on a journey in life to learn and study philosophies and religions. As a result my life has seen and experienced the wealthy and the very poor. I have watched how people can take someone's life and literally destroy it by words and rumors they spread that have put someone behind bars in prison or pushed them to the brink of suicide. So, how do you feel grateful for this? How can one see the blessings in this cruelty?  

Later in life I was to have a client who came for tempor-mandibular joint issues and was literally in my hands for her care. Little did I know at the time, she was being 'accused' of murdering her child. When I was informed by a co-worker that I was working on a murderess for a 'moment' there were mixed emotions. Quickly I took a breath and asked "Who made you judge"? I opted to see this woman and continue to care for her. Eventually, she told me her story. There is no doubt in any cell of my body that she did not intentionally murder her child. 

 Seven months later she was convicted based on 'circumstantial evidence' of what someone heard over a fence. She came for her final session with me before going off to prison.  A miracle was about to take place in my massage room.  She thanked me. She thanked me for creating safety, providing loving touch, extending an ear and heart. She thanked me for the books in my waiting room about angels and gave gratitude for so many little things. Then, I thanked her. I will never forget her face and words "Why would you thank me"? "Because you taught me about unconditional love". She replied "You mean something good came of this for both of us"? In this moment, I was taken back to the conversation when I was 12. This woman expressed to me she will be able to go to prison in peace and teach other women what she had learned.  Ahhh, yes we never know why anyone or anything comes in our lives. We only know we have the 'choice' to how we respond. This is our responsibility.

Well, it's not always easy is it?  We speak of the term "unconditional love", yet do we truly understand the fullest spectrum of what is being asked of us? Can we live it in every situation without judging and giving gratitude for the kindness our hearts can extend to another who is less fortunate in any way?

Look in the mirror!

Giving Gratitude is not just for the simple pleasures of life, the presents we receive on our birthdays, the good health we have or the money in our bank accounts.

I am appreciative and thankful for every experience I have had in my life. I am grateful that I can see and shift through the periods that do not serve me or this world. For if every thought has the power to project a consciousness to this entire planet and universe then we are responsible as a whole. If we live in pure thoughts without anger and hatred towards others, without greed and fear, we as a whole can create an entire sphere of Living and Giving Gratitude.

The darkest hours, the longest days, the pits we can fall into when life deals us a challenging hand, are some of the hardest moments we might be asked to give gratitude.  I personally have experienced my hard knocks in life, done things I wish I had not, been hurt by others, hurt others and lived with physical pain and depression. I have heard others say their toughest challenge was the most rewarding experience of their life and they give gratitude. I agree.

How will you live in gratitude today?

"I work with others in harmony and cooperation"
"My internal environment is Divine Love"
"The gentle presence of Spirit guides and directs me"
"Centered in Spirit, I live in harmony and balance with all creation"

Feel free to use some of these affirmations (borrowed from the Daily Word) 
or create your own to keep you focused on 
living in peace and gratitude.

 Giving gratitude is in every breath when we choose this conscious thought!
Living Gratitude is a way of life that will allow us to see the divine in all people, things and person at a time.
Being Gratitude can create a world,  a universe for the future children to live in peace.


What blocks you from the creation and manifestation of living gratitude in your life?
How can you move through the challenges that prevent you from living your fullest potential?

Friday, September 6, 2013


Are you afraid?
Of what?

Fear of being a failure
Fear that someone may not like you or accept you
Fear that you will be exposed
Fear that things can backfire
Fear that you will never believe in yourself

My guess is most of us have had some fear in our life, perhaps even as a child, that the boogie man might get us.

How did fear become part of your reality?

Were you yelled at for speaking your truth?
Were you made to feel stupid?
Have you been bullied in your life?
Did you witness bad things happen around you?
Were you told to Fear God?

False Evidence Appearing Real

In many cases (not all) this is the reality

Now if you are being threatened with your life or your families, well obviously there is something to  fear. It isn't false when a gun might be at your head.

However, do you fear someone else because you feel that if you said something they might yell at you? Are you afraid to speak your truth because you don't want to look like an idiot for falling for something that perhaps was a manipulation to get you involved?
If you challenge someone else's truth do you fear they might attack you verbally?
Do you back down and away for fear of confrontation?

Is it really fear that you are feeling? Might it be a 'feeling' of inadequacy, hesitation, discernment?

Today let's look at reality! What is Real?

Are the situations in your life or around you a perspective of what you think/feel is real?
Are you being manipulated into believing it is real?
Do you think for yourself and decipher and discern information before taking it at the word of another person or the news? Do you believe everything you read?

A society is being built around fear. Fear of getting on a plane for it might be hijacked.
Fear of getting 'involved' with a cause because you don't want to stand out.
Fear of taking action about our food supply because you chose to live in a state of 'ignorance', in a sense, because you can't face the reality that leadership can let any of this really happen.

The reality is we all play a part in everything.
We choose a part for whatever purpose or reason.

What is your reality?

I send you peace today that you may live in truth and not fear.
~ Gloria~


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Nature heals

How often do you get out into nature?
When did you last watch a sunrise or sunset?

Do you remember the awe and magnificence you felt? The excitement within to see that first sparkle of sun rise in the morning....or the last bit of beaming light before our planet goes into a quiet and peaceful stage of darkness? What did you feel?

When was the last time you walked along the water? Took in the smells of the ocean air? Felt your feet in the sand? Do you remember looking for seashells and finding beautiful treasures? 
How did that feel?

Nature is healing! It is the gifts that are available to us to regenerate and lift our spirits and fill us with a vibrant energy of life force.

Many people work indoors, some in darker rooms, some behind computers all day, others serving people all day at a fast pace in restaurants and stores. Many rush around airports oblivious of rainbows outside as they hope they make their plane on time.

Are you wrapped up in a world 'inside'?
Do you notice you experience fatigue and depression more than you did as a child?

There is a magical world of nature waiting to be explored. It's waiting to say 'hello' I am here to make you smile, to lift your spirits and show you how to be in harmony with all of life.

I am living and breathing! I can take you high into the mountains to give you a different perspective.
I can show you how to float upon the gentle waters of life. You can watch me grow and change seasons or you can lift your head to the clouds and realize you are but a piece of a vast living and thriving force of the universe.

Make time in your life to get out. To commune with the universal forces existing within nature, the elements. Notice how you shift your perspective, how your emotions change. Notice how your skin feels and how you breathe. Notice how you heal spending time in nature.

~May we walk gently upon this earth and be in harmony with all creatures~

Monday, September 2, 2013

Love is the sum of all Spiritual Laws

Simple Message Today!

The spiritual laws are Love 
Then Let's Love more!

Follow these principles and it will be easier to live the laws!

Aloha, Gloria

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Manifesting Rainbows all day

I started my day with a rainbow
Blogged about Manifesting Rainbows
All day I have seen rainbows ~
5 actually
A double one too
One that glowed so magnificently I wish I could've caught it on my camera

Manifesting a wonderful day of rainbows ~ God Bless!

Manifesting Rainbows


When I see a rainbow I smile. It reminds me of the days I lived on Kaua'i. The beautiful hues of colors appear magically in the sky and I feel a presence of peace and love. Rainbows are a sign that there is a message for me. They represent many things for me, including the bridge of heaven and earth.

I love manifesting! Rainbows and more!  When I recently moved to Florida it may have raised some questions for some people as to why I was moving and for others they were happy I was listening to the message I received upon awakening "Move to Florida"! It didn't take me long to realize I had been praying and longing for what I had when I lived on the islands. Tropical temperatures, turquoise waters, beautiful flowers and like minded community.  It wasn't an easy move by any means. It meant I would have to move away from 2 of my grandchildren and daughter.  It also meant I would move near my 2 other grandchildren and son. It meant starting life over ~~ again.

I have learned in my life (finally) to listen to God's messages and stop resisting. I was praying for rainbows and now I see them often, once again.

(Rainbow on Kauai taken by Leilani)

I can actually 'smell' rainbows. I don't know how but I do. I was taking my dog out for his morning walk and sensed there would be a rainbow. No sooner did I turn and look up into the sky and there was the magic appearing before my eyes. I noticed birds of paradise, hibiscus and spider ginger. I would've thought I was in paradise. Well, I am!  We can manifest anything we desire. It's all a matter of what you focus on and think about.

Manifesting isn't as hard as some might think. It is a focused intention and requires patience. Not everything you desire is for your highest purpose, so you may or may not receive it. Sometimes the lessons that come along with the things you have manifested may not be what you expected.

I prayed for peace in my life many years ago. The turn of events that brought me to realize there was now peace in me and around me happened after a tragic event. I went through several years of depression and soul searching. Today, I have peace.

(Brad Simkins)

We are always being guided. We must realize, believe and honor our true voice. We must trust the process. If you allow your soul to guide your life, you will be shown your paradise. If you live in your mind and spend time worrying you will miss the rainbows.


Saturday, August 31, 2013


Have you ever been betrayed?

By a boyfriend? Husband? GirlFriend? Best Friend? Boss?
Colleague? Advertisement? Religion? Politics? Etc.

Most people have had the feeling of betrayal at least once in their lifetime. If you have had this happen perhaps you felt hurt, something was your fault, perhaps you got mad at that person or situation and perhaps you can't figure out any of it?

If you're like me you want to see the good in people. You do your best to practice unconditional love, right?  Now here's the piece that might be tripping you up? Not everyone is unconditional! Not even us. Not everyone looks for the good in all people. Sometimes people may unintentionally hurt you and other times it make be trickery,  manipulation with intention. Perhaps you have unintentionally hurt someone and they feel betrayed. Did you mean it?

So what is betrayal really?
If every person is said to be a mirror of ourselves then who is betraying who?

Let's learn from our mirror!

Let's say you have been hurt by someone. You are angry, frustrated and confused. Somewhere inside of you there is an acknowledging piece that you always knew this person couldn't be trusted or something just didn't feel right. Maybe you had a bad feeling but wanted to see the best in that person. Perhaps you thought there is no way a person of a certain status perhaps would ever lie, cheat or hurt you.

If you have had these intuitive feelings then the person that betrayed you, was you. You betrayed your own feelings. It was your decision to continue the relationship to the point that it did demonstrate betrayal. However, you always knew on some level, didn't you?

It's ok! Forgive yourself!
Love yourself for the person you are and step forward and accept the gifts you have.

This doesn't apply to you ? Look deep inside. Were you paying attention? 
Did you see any signs? When we raise our awareness the truth is that the signs are always present. Maybe not at first, but eventually.

Some will say "I want to be unconditionally loving". That is wonderful. It does not mean however, 
that you have to stay in situations or relationships that are hurtful, abusive or make you feel less than beautiful. It means you must release it from your life and unconditionally love them/it just the
 way they are.

One must be practical and real .
We can forgive. We can let go. We can love from afar. We can accept one just the way they are without the lies, hurt and betrayal again.

A discussion may be "How can I walk way and be at peace with what is happening in this world. I feel betrayed by our government or God. How can this happen"?

Obtain inner peace in your own life first. Find your balance and in this space you can live in Love.

When you have peace every person that you share peace with spreads to the next one.

Remember, God didn't create these things happening in our world. We create them.

You don't create war? Every time we judge, we argue, we blame, we betray there is an internal war going on. The obvious war is the one on TV that we see or read about in the newspaper.

There is a way to shift this! There is Love! 
A love greater than any human love. A love that is available with every breath.

We are all human. We all have moments of imperfection.
In God's eyes we are perfect.  Live your truth and and Live in Love!
Live in Integrity and perhaps we can stop betraying ourself!

~ Peace~

Friday, August 30, 2013


The simple act of kindness you would think, would be so easy!

If it was so easy then why do we not see it more often in our world?

Why can't a customer service agent give a simple smile and be helpful to all their customers?
Why don't colleagues in any profession respect each other all the time?
Why is that people who want to appear to be kind will only do so when it benefits them only to turn around and stab someone else in the back with lies and slander?
Do you take a stab at someone to build your own ego? Do you ever consider the outcome of your actions and words ? Do you attack without knowing the truth of any situation?

Why is our world in a place of unrest? When all it would take is kindness to the human race!

It is time we all take inventory! 
What can you do to raise your vibration to become the Change you want to see in this world?

Choose your words wisely!
Think before you speak ~ will you harm someone in any way by your words?
Will you judge before you know by speaking unkindly?

Inspire instead of conspire!

Kindness seems so simple doesn't it?

What will you do to bring kindness to someone today?
How will you resolve an unkind word or situation that you have created?

Watch how your life and those around you can live in less drama!
Watch how people show up who will be kind and caring too!

One simple act of kindness goes a long way!
Imagine thousands!

Change we must!
~ Gloria ~

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Loving your life?

Do you truly love every aspect of your life?
Are you making the choices that will support you in all ways for your highest purpose?

How often have we looked at others thinking they have the perfect life?
What are you doing to take the steps to create yours?
What obstacles prevent you from moving forward on your path?

Make a list! Are you the main one?
What can you release to make way for new growth and opportunities?

It's up to you!
Now make the choice today to live a life you will love!
What will your first step be? 

Have a beautiful day ~ Gloria

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When doorways open ~~

Let's talk about opportunities and how to get to where you want to go!

Are you seeking a new career, relationship, life? Do you see the opportunity when it knocks, do you act upon it and are you grateful?

Sometimes opportunity does not look like we expected. For example, many years ago I taught a class in a community school to lay people on massage. My intention was to build my business by educating others. When the class commenced after 3 weeks several young ladies came up to me. They wanted to know where to go to massage school. Naturally, I referred them to schools within the state. During those days we didn't have many massage schools and none in our immediate region.  In a few moments a very tall woman came over to me. She happened to be the aunt of one of the young ladies who was interested in becoming a massage therapist.  She said as she backed me into a wall "Do you understand opportunity"?  She proceeded to share that I just taught 60 people successfully and that I would teach her niece.  Now, when a 6'2" woman puts you against a wall, you pay attention!  I did not feel I was qualified to open a school however, I listened to all her input as she was a very successful entrepreneur. Within weeks I found out I could privately train individuals as in apprenticeship program and that when I was ready to open an official school it was more about the building codes than anything.  Yes, I started teaching these 3 young woman and the flow kept going for as long as I wanted it, 12 years! Boy did I build a business!

Today, I look at all the little opportunities the best I can to see where my path is leading. When life looks quiet I make sure I pay attention even more.  I might do something new just to see who I meet or where it leads, rather than staying home just wondering what is next. Is it easy? HA! Not all the time!

Take a leap of faith today, this week go do something new! See who you meet? What doorway begins to open? Will you walk through it even though it doesn't look exactly like what you expected?

If you need a job, take one! That's right! It may not be what you are dreaming of in the moment but it could lead you to that place if you take the chance and have the courage to go for it. At least you will bring in some needed money while you continue to search.

If you want a new relationship where can you find one? Sitting home crying? I don't think so. Evaluate your relationship with yourself then go show the world who you are! Volunteer somewhere to meet new people. Go somewhere you have wanted to go but waited for that perfect person to share it with. Guess what ? They may be there waiting too!

Be grateful for every opportunity, every chance meeting, every new idea! When you give gratitude you will attract more of those wonderful things you are seeking in your life!

Open a door today! Tell us where it leads you! Then go open another one and another one! 

I choose easy now!
Enjoy your new adventure today!
Peace on your journey ~ Gloria

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Waiting for the sign?

Do you ever get impatient waiting for the signs? Wondering why the universe hasn't dropped it in your lap yet or spoken loudly in your ear? Do you feel hopeless at times thinking the universe is conspiring to make you crazy?

You read the books on the law of attraction. You went to the workshops to self heal. You listened to audio tapes that inspire you to stay focused, think positive, live your dream. Yet something is still missing.

Waiting for the sign(s) is getting old, right? Waiting is boring and taking too long! Waiting is ridiculous you say?

Well then stop waiting! Conspire to make your day Incredible!

Pay attention to all the little signs that exist in your life right now. What are you noticing? What do you feel? What do you hear? Got something? Then act upon it!

Remember, things won't always look like you think. Don't wait for that anvil to drop on your head to shock you into noticing.  Subtle signs exist each and every day. Perhaps it is quiet in your life right now because you need it. You need to rest. You need to take time for you.

You have taken time you say? What have you done with the time? Have you dreamed your wildest dreams? Have you done something new and fun? Have you gone for a massage? Or, have you laid in bed waiting. Sat in front of the TV for hours upon hours. Complained to everyone you know that life sucks.

The choice is yours to see the sign that only YOU can make your life incredible in every way! Take an opportunity today to see it differently. Take a chance to do something different! Volunteer to help someone less fortunate. Take a look at your life and be grateful that you woke up today and you are willing to see a 'sign'.

What is your sign today? It might be patience or peace. Could it be so simple that seeing a child smile and laugh reminds you how to be happy once again? Is it the message you heard yesterday and didn't act upon because you felt it was too big to accomplish?

The miracle is waiting for you to notice, right now! 

May peace reside in your heart and happiness in your life
May you be willing to receive all the gifts waiting for you ~ now!
~ Gloria~

Monday, August 26, 2013


The formal opinion of your perception of a situation, person, concept or decision.

We all judge! Yet many of speak about being non -judgemental. Is that even humanly possible?

Think about your day and how you evaluate and share your opinion about anything today. Are you judging? If you are making a comparison ? Then yes, you are.

What if we just try to see each other with loving eyes? What if we allowed others to walk their journey how they need to in their time? What if decisions that are being made that may not align with yours are seen from a new perspective? What if we just did no harm to anyone?

Take charge of your own opinions. Research the data. Ask questions. Don't throw away your power because someone else has a judgement so loud and powerful you believe it. It happens all the time. Just watch the news for a few minutes. Don't assume what you hear or see is the truth.  Everyone has a role in life, what is yours?

Judgement will always exist in some form as long as we have our opinions and make comparisons. Let's choose to make wiser choices. Let's stop to breathe a moment before evaluating and 'mouthing off'  or accusing others of what we perceive might be wrong. Let's relax into the moment and notice if our perception shifts.  We don't have to agree with everything and everyone. We should strive to see the truth and find out what is theirs, as well.

Sure there will be times your passion gets the best of you! Sure there will be times something or someone is doing something that creates harm or makes you feel bad. This may not be the best thing for your life or situation. You may have a strong opinion about it, so you express it. How do you express it is the question? Defensively? Gently?

Let's take a vow today to evaluate with a less critical eye upon first sight of a situation. Let's sit back and play witness to what are the possibilities.  Let's try to understand that there may be a greater plan playing out here that does not mean you have to be the one in control of everything. Let's make choices to be a kinder person today, a more compassionate and understanding individual.

We all have the capability of being the most amazing beings on this planet! Let's open our hearts !

Heart–Brain Interactions:

The heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue, each influencing the other's functioning. The signals the heart sends to the brain can influence perception, emotional processing and higher cognitive functions. This system and circuitry is viewed by neurocardiology researchers as a "heart brain." (Heart Math)
Think about this for a moment!  Your brain and heart are influencing your decisions.

Emotional Energetics Research:

The heart produces by far the body's most powerful rhythmic electromagnetic field, which can be detected several feet away by sensitive instruments. Research shows our heart's field changes distinctly as we experience different emotions. It is registered in people's brains around us and apparently is capable of affecting cells, water and DNA studied in vitro. Growing evidence also suggests energetic interactions involving the heart may underlie intuition and important aspects of human consciousness. (Heart Math)

How will you judge today? Perhaps with a more tender heart.
May you see the world with new eyes today and an open heart ~ Gloria Coppola