Monday, August 26, 2013


The formal opinion of your perception of a situation, person, concept or decision.

We all judge! Yet many of speak about being non -judgemental. Is that even humanly possible?

Think about your day and how you evaluate and share your opinion about anything today. Are you judging? If you are making a comparison ? Then yes, you are.

What if we just try to see each other with loving eyes? What if we allowed others to walk their journey how they need to in their time? What if decisions that are being made that may not align with yours are seen from a new perspective? What if we just did no harm to anyone?

Take charge of your own opinions. Research the data. Ask questions. Don't throw away your power because someone else has a judgement so loud and powerful you believe it. It happens all the time. Just watch the news for a few minutes. Don't assume what you hear or see is the truth.  Everyone has a role in life, what is yours?

Judgement will always exist in some form as long as we have our opinions and make comparisons. Let's choose to make wiser choices. Let's stop to breathe a moment before evaluating and 'mouthing off'  or accusing others of what we perceive might be wrong. Let's relax into the moment and notice if our perception shifts.  We don't have to agree with everything and everyone. We should strive to see the truth and find out what is theirs, as well.

Sure there will be times your passion gets the best of you! Sure there will be times something or someone is doing something that creates harm or makes you feel bad. This may not be the best thing for your life or situation. You may have a strong opinion about it, so you express it. How do you express it is the question? Defensively? Gently?

Let's take a vow today to evaluate with a less critical eye upon first sight of a situation. Let's sit back and play witness to what are the possibilities.  Let's try to understand that there may be a greater plan playing out here that does not mean you have to be the one in control of everything. Let's make choices to be a kinder person today, a more compassionate and understanding individual.

We all have the capability of being the most amazing beings on this planet! Let's open our hearts !

Heart–Brain Interactions:

The heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue, each influencing the other's functioning. The signals the heart sends to the brain can influence perception, emotional processing and higher cognitive functions. This system and circuitry is viewed by neurocardiology researchers as a "heart brain." (Heart Math)
Think about this for a moment!  Your brain and heart are influencing your decisions.

Emotional Energetics Research:

The heart produces by far the body's most powerful rhythmic electromagnetic field, which can be detected several feet away by sensitive instruments. Research shows our heart's field changes distinctly as we experience different emotions. It is registered in people's brains around us and apparently is capable of affecting cells, water and DNA studied in vitro. Growing evidence also suggests energetic interactions involving the heart may underlie intuition and important aspects of human consciousness. (Heart Math)

How will you judge today? Perhaps with a more tender heart.
May you see the world with new eyes today and an open heart ~ Gloria Coppola

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