Wednesday, August 28, 2013

When doorways open ~~

Let's talk about opportunities and how to get to where you want to go!

Are you seeking a new career, relationship, life? Do you see the opportunity when it knocks, do you act upon it and are you grateful?

Sometimes opportunity does not look like we expected. For example, many years ago I taught a class in a community school to lay people on massage. My intention was to build my business by educating others. When the class commenced after 3 weeks several young ladies came up to me. They wanted to know where to go to massage school. Naturally, I referred them to schools within the state. During those days we didn't have many massage schools and none in our immediate region.  In a few moments a very tall woman came over to me. She happened to be the aunt of one of the young ladies who was interested in becoming a massage therapist.  She said as she backed me into a wall "Do you understand opportunity"?  She proceeded to share that I just taught 60 people successfully and that I would teach her niece.  Now, when a 6'2" woman puts you against a wall, you pay attention!  I did not feel I was qualified to open a school however, I listened to all her input as she was a very successful entrepreneur. Within weeks I found out I could privately train individuals as in apprenticeship program and that when I was ready to open an official school it was more about the building codes than anything.  Yes, I started teaching these 3 young woman and the flow kept going for as long as I wanted it, 12 years! Boy did I build a business!

Today, I look at all the little opportunities the best I can to see where my path is leading. When life looks quiet I make sure I pay attention even more.  I might do something new just to see who I meet or where it leads, rather than staying home just wondering what is next. Is it easy? HA! Not all the time!

Take a leap of faith today, this week go do something new! See who you meet? What doorway begins to open? Will you walk through it even though it doesn't look exactly like what you expected?

If you need a job, take one! That's right! It may not be what you are dreaming of in the moment but it could lead you to that place if you take the chance and have the courage to go for it. At least you will bring in some needed money while you continue to search.

If you want a new relationship where can you find one? Sitting home crying? I don't think so. Evaluate your relationship with yourself then go show the world who you are! Volunteer somewhere to meet new people. Go somewhere you have wanted to go but waited for that perfect person to share it with. Guess what ? They may be there waiting too!

Be grateful for every opportunity, every chance meeting, every new idea! When you give gratitude you will attract more of those wonderful things you are seeking in your life!

Open a door today! Tell us where it leads you! Then go open another one and another one! 

I choose easy now!
Enjoy your new adventure today!
Peace on your journey ~ Gloria

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