Friday, August 30, 2013


The simple act of kindness you would think, would be so easy!

If it was so easy then why do we not see it more often in our world?

Why can't a customer service agent give a simple smile and be helpful to all their customers?
Why don't colleagues in any profession respect each other all the time?
Why is that people who want to appear to be kind will only do so when it benefits them only to turn around and stab someone else in the back with lies and slander?
Do you take a stab at someone to build your own ego? Do you ever consider the outcome of your actions and words ? Do you attack without knowing the truth of any situation?

Why is our world in a place of unrest? When all it would take is kindness to the human race!

It is time we all take inventory! 
What can you do to raise your vibration to become the Change you want to see in this world?

Choose your words wisely!
Think before you speak ~ will you harm someone in any way by your words?
Will you judge before you know by speaking unkindly?

Inspire instead of conspire!

Kindness seems so simple doesn't it?

What will you do to bring kindness to someone today?
How will you resolve an unkind word or situation that you have created?

Watch how your life and those around you can live in less drama!
Watch how people show up who will be kind and caring too!

One simple act of kindness goes a long way!
Imagine thousands!

Change we must!
~ Gloria ~


  1. Thus June Fb Gloria...... Everything you just said I have also said, many times.... Almost word for word..... =) I think I like you!!! =)

  2. I try to live in the spirit of kindness. I'm not perfect, but I definitely am conscious of how I affect the world. Much Love to you and great message!

  3. KIndness costs nothing and gives you so much. In performing a kindness for another, you are both lifted in vibrations. I am doing it more often for which I am grateful.

    Julieanne Case
    Always from the heart!

    Reconnecting you to your Original Blueprint, Your Essence, Your Joy| Healing you from the Inside Out |Reconnective Healing | The Reconnection| Reconnective Art |

  4. Funny - in all the vision statements I've read lately (including my own) - I haven't seen kindness. Thank you for this reminder.

  5. Wonderful message! Kindness creates a ripple effect!
