Are you having challenges in your life and wondering what has gone wrong? Do you feel like nothing is working for you? Are you getting more emotional than usual or feeling depressed? Is your health bringing you down?
Often when we are not following our soul purpose SHIFT happens! What is often hard for us to see is that these moments are the times that can change our life if we listen. It's all a choice how we are going to allow this shift to take place. We can be a victim for as long as we choose or we can start making positive changes little by little to see the gift rather than gloom and doom.
You might say it looks like a journey without direction or a destination. When in actuality it is an exploration of the limitless possibilities waiting for you.
When you have lost your site perhaps it's time to go inward. To see within. I will share a story with you about my experience of loosing site and how it was a gift.
Many years ago when I was going through my healing journey, I woke up one morning and could not see. I wasn't afraid because inside I didn't feel I was blind. I felt like my vision in the sense of how I knew it was taken away for me to see something else. So I sat and meditated for hours. Nothing but darkness.
The phone rang and a colleague who was an astrologist wanted to 'fix me'. It brought up some emotions for me and in a frustrated voice I said "I don't need fixing"! When I hung up the phone I sat for a moment upset because I wasn't broken. Then a vision appeared! I saw a house crumbling and falling apart. Bricks laid on the ground and each one had a belief system labeled on it. As I went through the rumble in my minds eye I noticed many of the beliefs were not working for me. I tossed aside the bricks that I no longer wanted in my reality. It was then I realized my house needed fixing. I did not have enough bricks to build a solid foundation. Without a solid foundation I soon realized no matter what I tried, I would find myself taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Have you done that in your life? I realized I didn't really know who I was and that what I had become was a compilation of what other people expected of me in my life. I saw the phone call as a 'sign' for me to really see what was broken in my life and that her words were the catalyst for my exploration.
Here is the opportunity for me to explore. Who am I? I started thinking about myself during childhood. What made me happy? Singing, Dancing etc. I saw myself as a very happy little girl and wanted to feel this again. I would put these bricks in my foundation. Soon I would be taking all types of dance lessons and explored chanting as a new way to use my voice. This felt good. I continued to explore what else would make me happy. Each time something felt good it was another piece of my foundation. This might take time as you explore. So be patient and have fun with it.
Soon there would be enough bricks with concepts, beliefs and direction that would serve me and my soul purpose. Now I get to build the walls and add more things that suited my path. What would this look like for you?
Think about what you really want? What do you think about most of the time? The Law of Attraction gives you more of what you think about, did you know that?
So how do you find your way? Be gentle on yourself. Say a pray. Go out in nature. Do something you haven't done in years that will bring you joy. Be a child again. Re-connect with your spirituality.
Spirituality you say? Yes! I have seen a pattern for many of us that are lost. We might have left a belief system (religious upbringing) that we felt did not serve us or stifled our growth. I invite you to re-explore and find the peace and balance in the parts that did work. I invite you to open to Source (creator, God, Spirit) and ask for help and be ready to receive it.
We stay lost as long as we choose. The choice is ours!
Be thankful! Say it over and over again. Thankful for what? Well, be truthful. Surely there are things to be thankful in your life no matter how bad it feels or appears. Focus on what you can be thankful for right now.
Forgive! That's right. Forgive a person, place or situation that could be clouding your vision, holding you back and making you a grouchy old person. Forgiveness heals!
Take stock in the truth. Once we realize our part in every situation there is no place for blame. We become responsible for our life. We make choices that can create the reality you want in your life. The peace must be found within and you can make it through any challenge in life more easily. LET IT GO! Open to receive your blessings.
It doesn't have to be perfect. It's just perfect that you started now.
Blessings on your journey ~ "May you hold yourself as gentle as you would the wings of an angel in the palm of your hand "~ Gloria Coppola
Spiritual Guidance Available through Skype or telephone
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