Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Your Thoughts

Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Your thoughts create your reality is a term I have often heard. There were times I felt this was true and others times I questioned it.  Eventually, I came to know that it is true. Even the challenges, the bad things, the hard times in some way were recreated in our reality by our thoughts and feelings behind them. If you worry a lot, live in fear of things, these all have energy and behind that energy is a manifestation of what might be.

Now, I'm not saying you wish for bad things to happen. However, I am saying that sometimes the things that you wish for happen as a combined result of the thoughts you have had.

For example: Imagine you are having a bad week. Everything seems to be going wrong in your life. The stress is building in your life and you just wish for peace!
Wishing for peace sounds like an easy and wonderful wish, does it not?
It sounds like the inner peace that one might desire?
What if that peace come with a price to get it? What if you had to lose everything in your life to find a new appreciation for all that is around you? What if your life was turned upside down and inside out and looked worse than that bad week? Maybe a sudden illness stopped your world to give you time to reflect. What if you lost everything?

Then one day you find yourself without all those stresses. Perhaps you find yourself without the job you hated. Maybe and unfortunately a loved one passed away and even though you loved them dearly, their stressful life made yours stressful too. What if your fear of loosing someone or something was so powerfully strong, you did. What if everything you knew as you knew it was gone.

It might look worse. It might look and feel bad. You may not understand what happened and think it is worse. Perhaps you decide to look at life differently one morning. You realize you have not stopped and smelled the roses in a long time. You slow down and notice life. You take the time to breathe, to pray, to chat to neighbors. Maybe you cry more, releasing pent up emotions you did not even realize were stored so deeply that a huge relief is felt upon your heart.

Now that you've raised your awareness to the truth around you there is a realization that  all those 'little' things were not so important. You begin to appreciate life in general more. You watch how you move and flow easier in your day. You may still be looking for a new job, you may still be grieving the loss of a loved one, you may still be wondering why you lost your home. However, you realize that there is actually less stress in your life. One day maybe you are sitting at a lake by yourself. No one is around. You watch the shimmering of the sun creating sparkles on the water. You look around and witness nature and the peace of it all. You realize you are all alone. You are at peace.
You laugh. You cry. You awaken. You realize you got what you asked for in life. 

Be mindful of your thoughts. Wake up with gratitude.

Napoleon Hill, Author of Think and Grow Rich states
Whatever the mind can conceive & believe, it CAN ACHIEVE!!!

~ What is your hearts true desire?
~ What goals will you set to obtain it?
~What will you give back once you receive it?

The energy you place behind your thoughts is powerful!

My wish for all of us today is to manifest our true hearts desire in divine alignment with our Creator. To give thanks for all that we have and all that we receive. To live in a place of love and be kind to everyone. To walk gently upon this earth and be in harmony with all creatures.

~Aloha, Gloria

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


In the stillness, the quiet places, there is creation.

Are you going through a time when there seems to be stagnant energy in your life? You wonder why aren't things happening for you? You meditate and pray and yet still you think nothing is happening. You ask yourself why? You wonder if you are doing anything wrong?

I am reminded of a great lesson I had when I was writing my book. I spent many long winter months sitting at my computer sharing my story.  I worked diligently to listen to the messages as the story unfolded. The words were flowing. I was grateful.

However, my personal and business life seemed to be still. Not much else was going on or at least I thought so. I wondered what was up with this? I decided to take a break from the writing and go out on my porch. At the time I lived on a lake. I looked out to observe. Nature 'appeared' dormant. No leaves on the trees. The sky was perfectly blue, no clouds passing by, the lake was like a sheet of glass and not a breeze in the air. Everything appeared to be standing still. I said a prayer and asked for a sign so I can continue having faith something was indeed happening. Suddenly a gentle breeze came blowing across the lake and the ripples were headed in my direction. I was reminded that even when we don't see things happening there is creation, there is movement and there are many signs if we show up to observe. I knew something was coming my way!

I went back into my house and felt confident something good was going to happen soon to make a significant shift in my life. Within minutes I opened my email to a note from the Hay House Radio Producer, Shelley Anderson. She dropped me a line to let me know that the non profit I helped found, Massage Without Borders, was going to receive a small check in Louise Hay's name. She also proceeded to say they don't typically talk to the recipients but spirit was guiding her to chat with me. WOW! The energy in me built so quickly my body was shaking. I responded quickly with my phone number and no sooner had the send button gone across cyberspace, my phone was ringing. Our chat was lovely and exciting. I was invited to be a guest host on the Hay House Radio Show "Acts of Kindness".  Shelley asked me to talk about the mission of Massage Without Borders and how this organization began and what we do to help our massage community. When she realized I was also writing my book and publishing through the sister company, Balboa Press she got excited. Shelley asked me to talk about my book too! Oh My Gosh, what an amazing opportunity just rippled right through the phone! I was jumping in my chair.

Remember, even when you don't see things happening in your life it takes time to root, to grow and to blossom. Focus on the positive outcome. Focus on your dreams to serve your highest potential. Find what is out of balance in your life and align that daily. When the time is in right order you will be shown. Remember, not everything you want will serve you the best. Don't be disappointed if you don't see things happening the way you thought. Count your blessings for all the wonderful gifts you do receive in life. Watch it shift and provide you with opportunities for your growth and success. The angels and opportunities will appear when you are ready to receive.

Aloha Blessings,

Monday, July 29, 2013

Morning Prayer ~ I surrender

Bob Proctor - Paradigm Shift - Setting Goals and Reaching Your Infinite ...


Each day I am being guided to share messages with you. 
This one was a bit of a surprise. However, once I realized exactly what it meant, it all made perfect sense and is in the divine order, of course.

Do you find yourself giving up on goals?
Are relationships exciting in the beginning and suddenly end leaving you confused or hurt?
Do you feel worthy of attaining your goals and dreams?

If you are dealing with any type of relationship issue or feelings of lack, disappointment or unworthiness, look at this and it may provide you with clarity.

You are capable of reaching your full potential once you know what is blocking you in your life.

Set your goals and watch what you do in your life.
Is there passion in your goal?
Do you give up easily? Do you understand how to attract your goals? 
Don't get seduced! Get Inspired!

What miracle will you create in your life?
Create and inspired successful life!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Have you been brought up with the concept it is better to give than receive?
Do you find yourself caring for others more than you allow them to care for you?
Do you have a belief system that you are unworthy of being successful or wealthy?

I would like to share a true story.

A few years ago on the island of Kauai I met Kumu Brenda Ignacio. She was telling me how her kumu Nana Veary once called her an 'Ugly Receiver".  This terminology hit her so hard that she vowed to change this in her life.

I, too, was an ugly receiver. I loved to give and give and take care of people all my life. When others wanted to 'gift' me with something I said I don't need it.  It brings me back to a place of listening to my own mother when we would ask her what she wanted for her birthday or christmas. Her response was always "just peace and quiet".

I met a man, a former Beverly Hills Surgeon on the island of Molokai about 14 years ago. He had recently lost his wife as I did my husband. He invited a group of us to take a helicopter ride to the island  of Ni'ihau, the forbidden island. One is not allowed to visit this island. The only way is to hire a private helicopter (expensive) and spend about 1 hour on the side of the island where there is no one living.
I refused many times. He was sad.  I did not 'feel worthy" perhaps to receive such a gift as I knew the cost was high. Perhaps I thought there was a hidden agenda? A few days later he called me when I was back home on the island of Kaua'i. He asked again. I could hear the sadness in his voice that he did not want to go alone. So I went. He allowed me to sit in the front seat for a better view. He told me he wanted to get me one of the precious necklaces made from the rare shells made on that island. They, too are very expensive. I expressed I did not need this and the ride was sufficient.

So, now I must backstep. The reason I went to Molokai was I heard a voice on the beach one day (in my head), that I must go. There was actually a giggle along with the message. I asked for 3 signs to validate this message. Yes, I received them.  I immediately went to the travel agent to book 2 tickets to this island for myself and a friend. Curiously, the agent had a puzzled look on her face and said there was no availability . She came back in a few minutes to say the Hula Festival was happening at that time and perhaps that was why the seats were sold out. As we chatted her expression changed to amazement. She said "you won't believe this, 2 seats just opened?"  I did not hesitate to say "I will take it". With no available cars or hotels, I purchased the tickets.

Long story short, I listened to a message. A hotel space opened at half price and a convertible car became available. I thought I was going to a Hula Festival.  It was because I listened to this message I met this surgeon. We enjoyed a wonderful day together. He seemed so happy. Later we went into the shop where they sold those special necklaces. He told me to pick one out. I said "oh no, I don't need one".  He said "money is no object". I did not have a concept of that in my life.  I still responded I could not accept this gift. Then he said "Think of it this way. A famous person needed their gallbladder out, I removed it, they are paying for the necklace." I chuckled. I was very resistant obviously. Then he gently took my hand and said let's go outside. It was here that he said "I was sent to teach you how to receive". Oh my gosh, I cried and shook and cried.  Today, I have a beautiful rare necklace to remind me of this kind and gentle soul who started to teach me about receiving.

On the last day of his visit to the islands he thanked me. Me? He said I was the first person in his life that did not expect or want anything from him. He shared I was the first person who spent time with him without an agenda or asking for his money. WOW! How amazing this man was able to open to receive my generosity too. If I had not opened to receive he would not have opened to experience what I can give. Such a beautiful exchange of energy

My journey did not stop here. On the island of Oahu, Kumu Carol Leialoha also taught me about receiving. It was quite comical actually. We constantly gifted each other for 3 days little trinkets, food, etc. It was like Christmas morning every hour. I found myself having a challenge receiving all her little gifts as I wanted to be the one giving.

I learned that if it brings me joy to give, then surely it brings others the same joy. Who am I to limit their joy?

Recently, I found myself in a situation needing more help. My sisters came to help me move, pack and unpack. I was grateful and this was easy for me to receive. Then they started to purchase me items they knew I could use for my office space and it was uncomfortable for me to have them spend their money. They wanted to help, I cried. Every night I went to sleep crying. I realized that I was an UGLY RECEIVER.  I was having a challenge allowing them to spend money on me. Why me? Well geesh Gloria you spent money on people all your life! You asked in your prayers to be open to receiving! Well Girl, it was sent, now receive!

I realize that many of us in the care giving positions may have this challenge. I have heard it often from my colleagues and students. To create the balance in our life, in our world it is a yin and yang. A giving and a receiving. Who are we to stop this natural flow?

So open to receiving the gifts that are ready and available for you. Open to allowing others the joy of giving and caring for you!  Be a BEAUTIFUL RECEIVER!

Enjoy the journey ~

Mana ~Energy Exchange

Friday, July 26, 2013

Searching for Self

"During all the years that we grow up, we make countless agreements with ourselves, with society, with everybody around us. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves by understanding the symbols we learned."  ~ "The Fifth Agreement" ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

Haven't you heard yourself being called many things? For instance, you are kind, nice, pretty, fat, beautiful, ugly, stupid, amazing.

Depending on our perception of the situation and how these words were inflicted upon our psyche we may have chosen to believe any or all of them and more.  Perhaps you were called fat and you weren't. You have believed your entire life you were so you just accepted. Or perhaps you become obsessed with exercise so you would get skinny (even though you weren't really fat). We listen to this programming, these voices, messages and symbols. As we mature, we search for parts of ourselves that we lost or want to enhance. We are no longer concerned what someone else's perception of beauty is in their eyes, we seek the beauty in everything.

The messages I received as a child were so conflicting about Who I Am that I never even knew the depth of my beauty. I never knew that my gifts were special. I tried to fit in with others and always felt like the odd duck and sometimes still do.  People's perception of me as an adult,  so they tell me; is that I am amazing, awesome, confident, gifted and beautiful! I am growing into this as I continue to search for what feels correct for my soul's purpose.

Yes, I am amazing! I am amazed. LOL.  I am amazed that I am writing this blog and sharing with you, although some may think this is easy for me. I am amazed that I made this journey in life through all the bumps, turns, ups and downs, loss of loved ones, and can share it with you from a place of peace.  I am amazed that as I approach the golden years there is still so much to explore about myself as my life's mission continues to be enhanced.

Are you searching for your true authentic self?
What voices, symbols do you listen to as you are on this journey? Which ones work and which ones no longer represent the truth of what you thought or who you thought you were supposed to be?

I have listened, observed and discerned. I have laughed and I have cried. I have come to realize that every moment is a new opportunity to just be who I am "in that moment".

The journey that has helped me the most in my growth was that of my path through the hawaiian culture and Lomilomi.  Previously, I attended all sorts of workshops, read tons of books, gone to counseling and traveled to sacred places hoping to find myself.  I left all that I knew in the old paradigm of who I was expected to be and started a new journey. I had no idea where it would lead me, what it would look like or what would happen. I did know inside my soul it was necessary and that I would trust this guidance knowing that something big in my life was going to change and it did.

Searching for your true self can be fun, challenging, exhilarating, scary and amazing! It's like opening a box of chocolates and trying something new, disposing of the ones you don't like and enjoying the mystery of what will be inside each chocolate.

Where do you begin? Right here, right now knowing that you are already amazing, no matter where you are on your path. Don't compare yourself to others or you might set yourself up for disappointment or become isolated.  Know that you are strong enough to make it! Believe that you are enough!

Make a list of all the aspects of yourself that you love or like and how they serve you best. Honor these parts of your creation and enhance them.

Make another list of aspects of yourself that you are not so fond of or have become based on someone else's identity of who you should be. Honor these too and then decide which no longer serve you now.

You have been pretending or practicing your whole life to fit into someone's ideal of who you should be. Now practice each day becoming the person that you feel you want to be. What is your truth? What is your reality? Where do you want to be on this journey of life?

If you are a kicker and screamer who chooses to stay stuck in your old paradigm. Then do that until it serves you no more. If you are a control freak that thinks you can make everything perfect and you find it falling apart, then do that until the pieces are so broken you can't identify them anymore. The choice is yours! Perhaps you choose to be a princess and you are waiting for your prince charming. Is that a reality or a fantasy? What does it look like to you? How will you manifest it and will it truly serve you and make you happy? Perhaps you need to stop watching Cinderella movies and rescue yourself.

If we are all created equal and if this is truth then why do we think or feel someone or something is better? Why do we judge? Why do we tell someone their way is the only way to the path of enlightenment and truth, yet it doesn't feel true for you. Why do we seek to criticize each other because our belief is different? I have even seen this from our parents, mentors, friends. and so-called masters. It is ok because we are all human. What is most important is that you don't take it personal and find your own truth.

When I choose to find the balance in my life and how to create it, than there is no room for a belief that does not serve me. When all is in alignment I can see the truth for myself more clearly. When it is not I might feel tired, depressed, sad or critical of others.

In the hawaiian tradition the tool that serves me well is finding LOKAHI = the balance and harmony. It is the symbol of the triangle. One I am familiar with from my many of my religious and philosophical studies in life.

This symbol represents the 3 parts of self to achieve a higher connection with spirit.  When you study shamanism you might come to understand it also as the 3 levels of your soul. There are many interpretations. What is important is to utilize what feels most right for you.

The triangle represents ME. If you stand with your feet a part and outline your body you are a triangle. The bottom two corners represent nature and mankind and the top your spiritual foundation or belief. Some might call this Body, Mind and Spirit, others have said Mother, Maiden, Crone. The space in between is your breath and the center is your life force. When I work on balancing these aspects of my life I feel whole. The energy within me builds and I find pieces of my self I did not know existed. A rush comes through me that connects me to a higher point where I feel in tune to all that is and life flows easily, even though life might be presenting other challenges.

Use whatever tool you have in life to monitor your balance. I have found this makes it easier for me. I identify the patterns and parts of me that I am not truly identifying in the moment. I hope this tool (or find your own) will help you come to realize your full potential!

This is your dream ~ Make it an amazing one!

Learn about Lokahi

Thursday, July 25, 2013

When the alarm goes off

My head was resting peacefully on my pillow on this early morning when the sound of a fire alarm was going off. My dog began to bark to wake me up yet I had no sense of urgency nor did I feel a 'real' fire was happening.

The alarms got louder. I began to hear a gentleman in the hallway banging on the walls, screaming "fire" and setting off the main alarm switch.

The people rushed out of the building, half awake, some still in their pajamas, others getting ready to catch an airplane flight.

The hallway outside his apartment door had food and clothes and other items thrown all over and down the stairs.

I had met this man just a few days ago. He was one of the few people in my new living complex that my dog did not bark at crazily. He seemed kind and helpful and spoke about his animals.

The chatter amongst the community continued and was not the kindest.  No one knew this man or what really happened. I observed. I asked if anyone knew him and if he was ok and all they did was complain about their disturbance because of HIM. The neighbors never met him, they said. They just grumbled that they had been awaken, that he was banging in the halls, that he was crazy. The judgement had been placed. Their perception was their truth.  The firemen and the policemen all rushed by us to make sure the building was safe. They continued to go up and down and up and down the stairs never once speaking to anyone of us. Lost in their world of duty.  Once I knew all was fine I went up to the firemen to ask if anyone knew if the man was ok. The response was there is no fire.

So we all dutifully went back to our apartments. I sat and contemplated was their a purpose for this alarming morning.

In many traditions mornings are revered and people gather to welcome the morning, they respect and bow to greet the new day.  In Hawaii we greet the morning sun with a chant E Ala E, in the East they bow in a traditional way on their knees to meet the day. In India they say "Namaste" meaning "I revere the light within you."

Perhaps this alarm was an awakening not only to me, but all of us that we need to wake up and pay attention! The complex went back to its quiet subdued energy within moments and no one was to be found. All were safe on their way to work or tucked back into bed. My dog and I went for a walk and I noticed, gave thanks and listened. I was told in my message to share this story with you today. Alarms are signals.  What signal will you receive today?

We never know or truly understand the reason, purpose of anything or anyone. Perhaps this man has an emotional or mental illness? Perhaps he was the messenger to give the sign "WAKE UP"? Later he was escorted by two policemen. He was kind, gentle and happy chatting with the policemen as if nothing he did was wrong. Was this the same person who only an hour ago was screaming, butt naked in the halls and warning everyone?

All creatures are teachers. We decide the lessons we want to learn.

I bow to this man who woke me up today. There was no fire! However, it was alarming that people were more concerned with their schedule and sleep than paying reverence to the morning or caring whether this man was ok or not.

I give thanks to the alarm that woke me up.

Blessings and Peace upon your day
~ Gloria

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


"Contentment is working within my means with what is available to me, living within my income, being grateful for what I have and not unhappy over what I seemingly lack."

Today and every day count your blessings. Resist focusing on the lack that you feel exists in your life.

It is so easy to go into the grumpy complaining mode. It's basically what many have been shown in their lives. Children learn through what they see and hear. If a parent wakes up angry, grumpy complaining about the day, yelling at the kids then those children will unfortunately pick up those habits.

Begin your day with gratitude and watch your life change.
When you become conscious each morning upon awakening, let your first words be of gratitude for your life. Continue giving thanks for whatever else you have in your life. Not what you want, what you have.

As your day evolves, do your best to stay positive in your thoughts without complaining.
Pay it forward with helpful deeds and kind words whenever possible.

Each evening, give thanks of gratitude for your day. Maybe you didn't get the raise you wanted or something else that you planned on. Look around and within to notice all that does exist in your world.

When your journey presents it's challenges and you slip into dark, depressive places it can be more of a challenge to live in gratitude.

One of the ways I have helped myself through those times is to make sure I have positive affirmations around me, play songs that are inspirational and uplifting.  There are those days when you just want to keep your head under the covers and that is ok. Be grateful for the covers.

I am so Grateful  ~ Karen Drucker

Blessings on your day
May Peace live in your heart
Aloha, Gloria

A Healing Journey

"Listen to your heart, above all other voices"

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Your Path Is Unique

How we learn

"No man is my enemy. No man is my friend. All men are my teachers. Some teach me what to do; some teach me what not to do". Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

The classroom is life. The teacher is everyone, everything, every place.

I recall when I was 12 questioning a priest about many things in life. He explained to me that
we may not understand things or people, but everything has a purpose. The purpose is to teach us how to become unconditional loving beings. He told me to study philosophy, cultures and religion.

Hmm? So how does that work I questioned when people are cruel, mean, vindictive and harmful to others? How does that work when bad things happen to people?  He continued to explain to me that we are all put here for a purpose. That every person's actions and words are meant to teach us something.  It is our choice how we respond and what we do with it, he expressed.  Confused, I responded but how does murder fall into this category?  The lesson continued as he explained people that do things to harm others obviously have a mental or emotional issue. So their actions might not please someone and it may hurt others on a tremendous level. He continued to say that God places people on our path to learn, to understand to become more compassionate.  As a 12 year old I took this in a little, but not to the extent that I would experience about 20 years later.

I was to become a massage therapist and care for a woman who was diagnosed with TMJ dysfunction. Each week she came in for her appointment. She shared bits and pieces about her symptoms and slowly about her life.  One day another woman working from my facility decided to express to me in an evil tone "Do you know who you are working on?".  She later informed me this woman was a murderer and it is all over the newspapers and media.  Wow, it took my breath away for a moment to hear she killed her child. Then, quickly I found myself speaking with that priest again in my head.  I took a deep breath. I asked this woman had she been convicted yet? No, of course not, was the response.

It amazed me that someone could be so adamant to convict this person of this serious crime all based on 'news'.

Each week my client came for her treatment. Eventually, she opened up more over the 7 months I was to care for her symptoms.  She began to tell me 'her' story.  To this day, there is no doubt in my mind or the cells of my body that this woman would ever intentionally kill a child that she adopted and loved. Her life was turned upside down. The media slandered her so harshly based solely on what the neighbor "heard" across the fence. They even convinced all her friends and husband to abandon her.

If you ever had a child or watched a child, you might have yelled at them. They  may have frustrated you and brought you to anger. If you are a mom trying to get your child to come in for dinner and repeatedly request they come in the house, your voice may rise.  This 5 year old child was not listening to his mom. She yelled. Circumstantial evidence assumed she must've hit the child. The neighbor who heard this assumed the parent must've hit his head on the concrete patio as a result of this physical abuse, he died.

So what did happen?  The illusion will show you that someone beat her child to death.
The truth, if we shall ever know it was that this child was adopted from Korea and had an aneurysm. This medical condition was not revealed to the adoptive parents. The child tripped and fell. Hit his head and died. However, the gossip was so powerful it did not matter. The rumor must've been the truth and so she was convicted. I ask you "how often do you listen to gossip or partake in it?"

On the last day this woman was to visit me, she thanked 'me'. She said I was the only one who did not judge her. She stated, I created a safe place for her to learn and grow and heal. My office provided books and information that taught her about a spiritual journey, angels and a life which she previously had not been exposed to in her teachings.  I was surprised. I then said to her "Thank you". To this day I will recall how she sat up confused and said "Why are you thanking me?" Because, I explained you taught me about non judgement and unconditional love. She smiled and said "You mean so much good came to both of us because of this circumstance? Now I can go to prison and be at peace. I can teach other women what I learned here".

Who would've ever thought this would be the lesson?

Let us look at situations in our life that are disturbing.
Begin by saying a prayer or meditating. Take some deep breaths and ask to learn your truth.
Use discernment on what you 'think' is happening and allow the truth to unfold. Your perspective will begin to change. You will open your eyes and see things differently. You might see someone who is hurting so bad, that their cruel words or lies are really a reflection of the pain they are in. You begin to understand and you learn. You learn to be a more compassionate being.

Now, does this mean you have to keep these people in your life that do not serve your path? Absolutely no. If there is no resolve,  all one can do is "Let it go", as I was taught by a Kahuna. Let it go in your own heart. Forgive yourself for feeling the way you did. Resolve it within your self and release the charge, so that these invisible cords that drain you, disappear.

It takes time to come to a place where you learn how to release these wounds. Eventually, you will do it quicker. You won't respond and react in a negative way. Remember, that will only 'feed' the situation and bring you down to the level that you disliked in the first place. Avoid people that spread the negative and feed on it. Avoid the gossip.

Today, if I have offended you , your ancestors in any thought, deed or action, please forgive me.

You will learn that no one has power over you. You will learn to walk your path in your truth. You will learn to live in peace and love. You will learn to send more love and prayers to those that are needing them in their life. You will learn the truth.

Namaste ~
Gloria Ku'uleialoha

Monday, July 22, 2013

Karen Drucker Sings "Gratitude"

Karla Mclaren on Empaths and Empathy: The Language of Emotion

Creating what you want

Perhaps you have heard of the Law of Attraction?

This law sounds great  in concept when we can keep our thoughts pure and alignment with our highest good.  

Are you open to receiving the life you want to create?

This takes diligent practice. Can you honestly make it through the day without something you might regret that you said or thought about. Sure you can!

So how do we create?

I have come to learn and understand that every thought and emotion has a charge behind it.

I have watched myself and others in workshops, school, family gatherings and even FaceBook intend to express their true feelings and because they feel attacked a conversation can turn resentful, defensive and ugly. It may not have been the original intention to attract what we were seeking and yet, how does this happen?

The charge behind the emotion!

Since we are still growing into the spiritual beings we aspire to becoming, we can easily have our buttons pushed when we are not in balance. We might put blame on others for their actions, their words and even point fingers at them. Obviously, we have difficult days and things show up in life. It's all about your attitude and how you choose to deal with any situation. Complain and you will get more to complain about.

What are we attracting when our actions turn into the same things we are seeking to eliminate?
Exactly! More of that. When you slip off your surfboard (the ride you are taking), shake it off, get back on and find the easier wave (path) to take.

Creating a life that you want requires due diligence to stay grounded, compassionate and understanding. No one knows or understands what another is going through, how they interpret a situation or what their mission is in your life. Yes your life! Everything has purpose.

A long time ago I realized I did not want to consume negativity through sources I have control over. ex. TV, news, violent movies etc.  This negativity has a way of pulling you into a huge pot of that energy that spreads like a virus. It does not mean I am not aware of events happening in our world. I just choose to make a choice not to put more charge behind it.  I even see it happen on Facebook,  a resource that connects us around the world.  I watch how people will share an inspiring poster or get involved in a conversation that turns sour. Think about that web for a moment.

Do you want to attract a life that is peaceful, happy, loving and joyful? Well then your thoughts and actions must show the same. If the triggers are still there, look in the mirror. What part of that person, place or situation is really about you? How can you change the outcome?


If you look at a person or public figure that you feel is compassionate ask them what their life was like to get there. Find out how their experiences taught them to be more compassionate. We often assume that they had an easy path. This is rarely true. There are sacrifices, lessons and practices one must instill in their life. These may not always align with the way you might feel you want to achieve your creation.

For example, think about a time you just wanted peace. How might that peace be obtained? Sure you can go to an ashram and spend days in silence and perhaps you will experience temporary peace. What if a tragic event happens in your life, beyond your control, unexpected. What if that tragic event was what eventually brought you peace in your life?

Creating what you want:

Start your day with gratitude.
Reach out in your minds eye to attune to the energy of the day.
How does it feel to you? What do you notice?
What do you want to bring into your day? How will you go about doing that?
Are you feeling balanced today? What do you need to bring that balance into your life before you begin a busy schedule?

Creating what you want doesn't just happen. It requires your participation!
Show up
Pay Attention
Act upon

Create a life that brings you what you desire in your heart. There are limitless possibilities.
Remember, you may not always see it in the moment. However, every moment has been placed in front of you to attain it.

E-motions are energy in motion. Place the type of emotion/energy you want to bring into the situation and believe it to be true. Get excited! Passionate! Happy! Shift a situation with your energy.

 Surround yourself with positive people and thoughts. Eliminate what is not working for you without complaining. Open to receive!

How will you spend your day creating what you want?  

Both Ends of the Rainbow                             

Sunday, July 21, 2013

TEDxMaui - Dr. Pualani Kanahele - Living the Myth and Unlocking the Meta...

The Sacred Path

It is your birthright to know your soul purpose.

Your heart knows and understands it, your mind might confuse you, displace you, trick you and detour you. Ahhh, however, your mind is also the place you can go to seek the inner guidance and open your inner eye to see, to feel, to know and to learn.

Ask yourself
When do I shut down to my guidance? Perhaps when you worry? Where is that place?

When am I open to guidance? Where is the sacred voice that guides you?

How many pathways are there? Many and we each have our own and we can choose the road less traveled, the bumpy road, the detour or the straight and narrow road. It's all our choice. It is your choice to have your own individualized experience of what is your sacred path. Your road to spirit is going to look different than mine on this journey. Your heart will lead you to the right path if you listen. You can choose to make it hard or you can make it "HEART".

This morning I woke up to give gratitude.
Gratitude for my life, my family, to open to receiving on a level that has been previously uncomfortable for me. I have been praying. Praying for many things to show up in my life that previously on some level I blocked.  I was paying attention to the synchronicity in the moment.

I noticed a feeling to connect.  I am living in a new area and so meeting like minded people is important to me. I was tired and I could've taken this Sunday morning to just relax. But I paid attention.

I love Karen Drucker, singer, inspirational song writer and played her songs I am Grateful and I am so Blessed and even posted one on FaceBook.

I started this blog today about the healing journey and the signs you may experience.

I stumbled (?) upon the Unity Church site here in my town. I decided to open the video and listen to the minister and within 30 seconds her energy touched me through this screen. I had half an hour to shower, dress and get to the service.

I have not been in a church setting on a consistent basis for many years, although I know in my heart I am to be involved somewhere with one, less traditional.

I could've had excuses and in my head I did.  I could just  go to the service next week. An energy came through me and I jumped in the shower, threw on a sundress and drove to Unity Church.

It was a friendly , warm, welcoming committee greeting everyone and taking the time to chat with new comers. They even gave us a shell lei. That to me was a sign because of my hawaiian connection and the essence of Alo~ha (the breath of God). The first song was I am so Blessed by Karen Drucker and I began to cry. Yes, another sign. One of the men in the congregation sat next to me and said "God sent me today". It was another sign, I am not alone. The minister began to speak and OH MY GOSH, it was like my blog this morning. Yes yet another sign. Right timing, right place!

After the service they had coffee and treats. I walked into the book shop and there was a Local Author's Shelf. Ahhh, yes another coincidence? I say not. I chatted with them about placing my newly published book on their authors shelf. Then, I went to get a cup of coffee and invited myself to sit at a table. A lovely older woman came over and introduced herself and chatted with me. Then she said "do you like to dance?"  Do I ever, but it's been a long time. I always wanted to take dancing lessons too. She proceeded to tell me there was FREE dancing lessons Monday night. WOW! Now that was a sign. No additional costs, no excuse!

Do you notice the signs in your daily life? Do you pay attention and act upon them when they show up?

When you walk a Sacred Path you soon learn if you don't act upon these signs you will have more challenges. You can kick, scream, avoid, detour or show up, pay attention and act upon the messages you are receiving with grace and gratitude.

My guidance has been telling me to write this blog on a regular basis. So stay tuned and join me on the Sacred path to healing ~ your journey ~ your way ~ with a bit of guidance my way. Feel free to comment and share your stories. Every story is important. Yours might be the one that encourages someone someday!

What signs showed up in your life today?

Trust the Map of your Heart and Listen to this video

Elizabeth Lindsey at TEDxWomen 2012

Way Finding To Guide You

Are you on a healing journey?

A healing journey is a path of exploration to find your purpose.
It can start physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

One might suddenly awaken one day due to a life changing event or out of complete boredom. You may experience a sense of:

  • Loss, confusion, depression
  • A sense of urgency or a hunger for something unknown
  • Different than others 
  • Sick
  • Old belief systems are no longer working
  • Extremely happy for an unknown reason
  • An urgency to visit sacred places
  • Time to leave a relationship that isn't serving you
  • Finding a new professional path
  • and the list goes on.
There are so many of us that have known there is something different about our personality, our mission and perhaps even your family has teased you along the way because you don't fit into their paradigm.

Sometimes a sudden illness wakes you up and you start pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Nutrition, exercise, yoga, meditation etc.

Maybe you thought you had everything in life only to find out the rug gets pulled out to make you start all over again. Confused you may get depressed, drop out socially, take up drinking etc.

During times of spiritual growth it is important to find a community that supports you, take walks in nature, breath properly and find a creative outlet.  

Things you may notice:

  • You become more aware of things you never noticed in life before
  • Friends and relationships may change
  • You have a sense of inner peace
  • You eat more consciously
  • You realize life is much shorter than you knew
  • You breathe deeper, you cry deeper
  • You laugh more, dance in the rain and love more deeply
  • You are more compassionate
  • You don't sweat the small stuff
  • You have gratitude daily 
  • and yes, much more!
What can you do to assist on this path?

Sure you can read books, travel to sacred places, attend workshops, learn from elders etc., However, the bottom line is all of these things will not change you. You make the choice. You listen, observe, discern and find what your calling is on this plane. The time has come to take responsibility for your own mission.

Watch children. They are in awe, they live in the moment, magic is in their eyes when they look at the world.  We "grow up", we forget and then we 'grow out' to remember.

Find time to get quiet. Observe, listen. Perhaps a sign or symbol comes to you to remind you to stay on your path. Draw it, paint it. You don't have to be an artist. Doodle, scribble, finger paint - create your own masterpiece!

This symbol came to me during a 3 day silent yoga retreat after a meditation
I use it to remind myself where I am....Where I am going.... What I need to get there!

Life is a journey. You choose how you want to travel. You can make it hard or you can make it heart!

Signs you are living your life purpose

  • You no longer care what others think about you 
  • You wake up grateful everyday
  • You live in joy
  • You go with the flow
  • You inspire others
  • Doorways open you never knew existed
  • Your intuition is heightened
  • You are open to receive
  • You follow through on the messages received from God
  • You love the life you live
Enjoy the journey ~~ Let's all go surfing now 
~ Ku'uleialoha

Gloria 'Ku'uleialoha Coppola, educator, author, mother, grandmother, massage therapist and one who inspires recently wrote "Both Ends of the Rainbow ~ Lomilomi, a healing journey".  It is about life, the synchronicity, the healing, the pain and the love.