~ Mahatma Gandhi
Your thoughts create your reality is a term I have often heard. There were times I felt this was true and others times I questioned it. Eventually, I came to know that it is true. Even the challenges, the bad things, the hard times in some way were recreated in our reality by our thoughts and feelings behind them. If you worry a lot, live in fear of things, these all have energy and behind that energy is a manifestation of what might be.
Now, I'm not saying you wish for bad things to happen. However, I am saying that sometimes the things that you wish for happen as a combined result of the thoughts you have had.
For example: Imagine you are having a bad week. Everything seems to be going wrong in your life. The stress is building in your life and you just wish for peace!
Wishing for peace sounds like an easy and wonderful wish, does it not?
It sounds like the inner peace that one might desire?
What if that peace come with a price to get it? What if you had to lose everything in your life to find a new appreciation for all that is around you? What if your life was turned upside down and inside out and looked worse than that bad week? Maybe a sudden illness stopped your world to give you time to reflect. What if you lost everything?
Then one day you find yourself without all those stresses. Perhaps you find yourself without the job you hated. Maybe and unfortunately a loved one passed away and even though you loved them dearly, their stressful life made yours stressful too. What if your fear of loosing someone or something was so powerfully strong, you did. What if everything you knew as you knew it was gone.
It might look worse. It might look and feel bad. You may not understand what happened and think it is worse. Perhaps you decide to look at life differently one morning. You realize you have not stopped and smelled the roses in a long time. You slow down and notice life. You take the time to breathe, to pray, to chat to neighbors. Maybe you cry more, releasing pent up emotions you did not even realize were stored so deeply that a huge relief is felt upon your heart.
Now that you've raised your awareness to the truth around you there is a realization that all those 'little' things were not so important. You begin to appreciate life in general more. You watch how you move and flow easier in your day. You may still be looking for a new job, you may still be grieving the loss of a loved one, you may still be wondering why you lost your home. However, you realize that there is actually less stress in your life. One day maybe you are sitting at a lake by yourself. No one is around. You watch the shimmering of the sun creating sparkles on the water. You look around and witness nature and the peace of it all. You realize you are all alone. You are at peace.
You laugh. You cry. You awaken. You realize you got what you asked for in life.
Be mindful of your thoughts. Wake up with gratitude.
Napoleon Hill, Author of Think and Grow Rich states
Whatever the mind can conceive & believe, it CAN ACHIEVE!!!
~ What is your hearts true desire?
~ What goals will you set to obtain it?
~What will you give back once you receive it?
The energy you place behind your thoughts is powerful!
My wish for all of us today is to manifest our true hearts desire in divine alignment with our Creator. To give thanks for all that we have and all that we receive. To live in a place of love and be kind to everyone. To walk gently upon this earth and be in harmony with all creatures.
~Aloha, Gloria