Friday, July 26, 2013

Searching for Self

"During all the years that we grow up, we make countless agreements with ourselves, with society, with everybody around us. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves by understanding the symbols we learned."  ~ "The Fifth Agreement" ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

Haven't you heard yourself being called many things? For instance, you are kind, nice, pretty, fat, beautiful, ugly, stupid, amazing.

Depending on our perception of the situation and how these words were inflicted upon our psyche we may have chosen to believe any or all of them and more.  Perhaps you were called fat and you weren't. You have believed your entire life you were so you just accepted. Or perhaps you become obsessed with exercise so you would get skinny (even though you weren't really fat). We listen to this programming, these voices, messages and symbols. As we mature, we search for parts of ourselves that we lost or want to enhance. We are no longer concerned what someone else's perception of beauty is in their eyes, we seek the beauty in everything.

The messages I received as a child were so conflicting about Who I Am that I never even knew the depth of my beauty. I never knew that my gifts were special. I tried to fit in with others and always felt like the odd duck and sometimes still do.  People's perception of me as an adult,  so they tell me; is that I am amazing, awesome, confident, gifted and beautiful! I am growing into this as I continue to search for what feels correct for my soul's purpose.

Yes, I am amazing! I am amazed. LOL.  I am amazed that I am writing this blog and sharing with you, although some may think this is easy for me. I am amazed that I made this journey in life through all the bumps, turns, ups and downs, loss of loved ones, and can share it with you from a place of peace.  I am amazed that as I approach the golden years there is still so much to explore about myself as my life's mission continues to be enhanced.

Are you searching for your true authentic self?
What voices, symbols do you listen to as you are on this journey? Which ones work and which ones no longer represent the truth of what you thought or who you thought you were supposed to be?

I have listened, observed and discerned. I have laughed and I have cried. I have come to realize that every moment is a new opportunity to just be who I am "in that moment".

The journey that has helped me the most in my growth was that of my path through the hawaiian culture and Lomilomi.  Previously, I attended all sorts of workshops, read tons of books, gone to counseling and traveled to sacred places hoping to find myself.  I left all that I knew in the old paradigm of who I was expected to be and started a new journey. I had no idea where it would lead me, what it would look like or what would happen. I did know inside my soul it was necessary and that I would trust this guidance knowing that something big in my life was going to change and it did.

Searching for your true self can be fun, challenging, exhilarating, scary and amazing! It's like opening a box of chocolates and trying something new, disposing of the ones you don't like and enjoying the mystery of what will be inside each chocolate.

Where do you begin? Right here, right now knowing that you are already amazing, no matter where you are on your path. Don't compare yourself to others or you might set yourself up for disappointment or become isolated.  Know that you are strong enough to make it! Believe that you are enough!

Make a list of all the aspects of yourself that you love or like and how they serve you best. Honor these parts of your creation and enhance them.

Make another list of aspects of yourself that you are not so fond of or have become based on someone else's identity of who you should be. Honor these too and then decide which no longer serve you now.

You have been pretending or practicing your whole life to fit into someone's ideal of who you should be. Now practice each day becoming the person that you feel you want to be. What is your truth? What is your reality? Where do you want to be on this journey of life?

If you are a kicker and screamer who chooses to stay stuck in your old paradigm. Then do that until it serves you no more. If you are a control freak that thinks you can make everything perfect and you find it falling apart, then do that until the pieces are so broken you can't identify them anymore. The choice is yours! Perhaps you choose to be a princess and you are waiting for your prince charming. Is that a reality or a fantasy? What does it look like to you? How will you manifest it and will it truly serve you and make you happy? Perhaps you need to stop watching Cinderella movies and rescue yourself.

If we are all created equal and if this is truth then why do we think or feel someone or something is better? Why do we judge? Why do we tell someone their way is the only way to the path of enlightenment and truth, yet it doesn't feel true for you. Why do we seek to criticize each other because our belief is different? I have even seen this from our parents, mentors, friends. and so-called masters. It is ok because we are all human. What is most important is that you don't take it personal and find your own truth.

When I choose to find the balance in my life and how to create it, than there is no room for a belief that does not serve me. When all is in alignment I can see the truth for myself more clearly. When it is not I might feel tired, depressed, sad or critical of others.

In the hawaiian tradition the tool that serves me well is finding LOKAHI = the balance and harmony. It is the symbol of the triangle. One I am familiar with from my many of my religious and philosophical studies in life.

This symbol represents the 3 parts of self to achieve a higher connection with spirit.  When you study shamanism you might come to understand it also as the 3 levels of your soul. There are many interpretations. What is important is to utilize what feels most right for you.

The triangle represents ME. If you stand with your feet a part and outline your body you are a triangle. The bottom two corners represent nature and mankind and the top your spiritual foundation or belief. Some might call this Body, Mind and Spirit, others have said Mother, Maiden, Crone. The space in between is your breath and the center is your life force. When I work on balancing these aspects of my life I feel whole. The energy within me builds and I find pieces of my self I did not know existed. A rush comes through me that connects me to a higher point where I feel in tune to all that is and life flows easily, even though life might be presenting other challenges.

Use whatever tool you have in life to monitor your balance. I have found this makes it easier for me. I identify the patterns and parts of me that I am not truly identifying in the moment. I hope this tool (or find your own) will help you come to realize your full potential!

This is your dream ~ Make it an amazing one!

Learn about Lokahi

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