Are you going through a time when there seems to be stagnant energy in your life? You wonder why aren't things happening for you? You meditate and pray and yet still you think nothing is happening. You ask yourself why? You wonder if you are doing anything wrong?
I am reminded of a great lesson I had when I was writing my book. I spent many long winter months sitting at my computer sharing my story. I worked diligently to listen to the messages as the story unfolded. The words were flowing. I was grateful.
However, my personal and business life seemed to be still. Not much else was going on or at least I thought so. I wondered what was up with this? I decided to take a break from the writing and go out on my porch. At the time I lived on a lake. I looked out to observe. Nature 'appeared' dormant. No leaves on the trees. The sky was perfectly blue, no clouds passing by, the lake was like a sheet of glass and not a breeze in the air. Everything appeared to be standing still. I said a prayer and asked for a sign so I can continue having faith something was indeed happening. Suddenly a gentle breeze came blowing across the lake and the ripples were headed in my direction. I was reminded that even when we don't see things happening there is creation, there is movement and there are many signs if we show up to observe. I knew something was coming my way!
Remember, even when you don't see things happening in your life it takes time to root, to grow and to blossom. Focus on the positive outcome. Focus on your dreams to serve your highest potential. Find what is out of balance in your life and align that daily. When the time is in right order you will be shown. Remember, not everything you want will serve you the best. Don't be disappointed if you don't see things happening the way you thought. Count your blessings for all the wonderful gifts you do receive in life. Watch it shift and provide you with opportunities for your growth and success. The angels and opportunities will appear when you are ready to receive.
Aloha Blessings,
I have to laugh as our messages run so closely together. Today as I sat in my meditation spot I noticed how completely still everything was... no wind, no birds, no traffic... stillness in utter completeness. And I thought of you, and of exactly what you wrote about here. The messages are all here for us to hear if we only are quiet enough and listen