Monday, July 22, 2013

Creating what you want

Perhaps you have heard of the Law of Attraction?

This law sounds great  in concept when we can keep our thoughts pure and alignment with our highest good.  

Are you open to receiving the life you want to create?

This takes diligent practice. Can you honestly make it through the day without something you might regret that you said or thought about. Sure you can!

So how do we create?

I have come to learn and understand that every thought and emotion has a charge behind it.

I have watched myself and others in workshops, school, family gatherings and even FaceBook intend to express their true feelings and because they feel attacked a conversation can turn resentful, defensive and ugly. It may not have been the original intention to attract what we were seeking and yet, how does this happen?

The charge behind the emotion!

Since we are still growing into the spiritual beings we aspire to becoming, we can easily have our buttons pushed when we are not in balance. We might put blame on others for their actions, their words and even point fingers at them. Obviously, we have difficult days and things show up in life. It's all about your attitude and how you choose to deal with any situation. Complain and you will get more to complain about.

What are we attracting when our actions turn into the same things we are seeking to eliminate?
Exactly! More of that. When you slip off your surfboard (the ride you are taking), shake it off, get back on and find the easier wave (path) to take.

Creating a life that you want requires due diligence to stay grounded, compassionate and understanding. No one knows or understands what another is going through, how they interpret a situation or what their mission is in your life. Yes your life! Everything has purpose.

A long time ago I realized I did not want to consume negativity through sources I have control over. ex. TV, news, violent movies etc.  This negativity has a way of pulling you into a huge pot of that energy that spreads like a virus. It does not mean I am not aware of events happening in our world. I just choose to make a choice not to put more charge behind it.  I even see it happen on Facebook,  a resource that connects us around the world.  I watch how people will share an inspiring poster or get involved in a conversation that turns sour. Think about that web for a moment.

Do you want to attract a life that is peaceful, happy, loving and joyful? Well then your thoughts and actions must show the same. If the triggers are still there, look in the mirror. What part of that person, place or situation is really about you? How can you change the outcome?


If you look at a person or public figure that you feel is compassionate ask them what their life was like to get there. Find out how their experiences taught them to be more compassionate. We often assume that they had an easy path. This is rarely true. There are sacrifices, lessons and practices one must instill in their life. These may not always align with the way you might feel you want to achieve your creation.

For example, think about a time you just wanted peace. How might that peace be obtained? Sure you can go to an ashram and spend days in silence and perhaps you will experience temporary peace. What if a tragic event happens in your life, beyond your control, unexpected. What if that tragic event was what eventually brought you peace in your life?

Creating what you want:

Start your day with gratitude.
Reach out in your minds eye to attune to the energy of the day.
How does it feel to you? What do you notice?
What do you want to bring into your day? How will you go about doing that?
Are you feeling balanced today? What do you need to bring that balance into your life before you begin a busy schedule?

Creating what you want doesn't just happen. It requires your participation!
Show up
Pay Attention
Act upon

Create a life that brings you what you desire in your heart. There are limitless possibilities.
Remember, you may not always see it in the moment. However, every moment has been placed in front of you to attain it.

E-motions are energy in motion. Place the type of emotion/energy you want to bring into the situation and believe it to be true. Get excited! Passionate! Happy! Shift a situation with your energy.

 Surround yourself with positive people and thoughts. Eliminate what is not working for you without complaining. Open to receive!

How will you spend your day creating what you want?  

Both Ends of the Rainbow                             

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